Help me set expectations: How much of a relief, physically, is having the twins out?

@billbydesign After a few days of healing from surgery, I felt a ton better. Hip and back pain gone. Pins and needles feeling in my legs gone. Constant urge to pee, gone. Pelvic pain, gone. The csection recovery was definitely rougher than my vaginal delivery but manageable.
@billbydesign I gave birth to a stone's worth of baby (14 pounds if that's not an American term) through my twins and let me tell you the relief of not suffering with heartburn anymore! The pain yes, the swelling yes, though that took a little longer to go. But the heartburn was the absolute worst and I was so pleased when it disappeared.
@billbydesign C-section scheduled at 38 weeks. I was hurting bad by then, so swollen it hurt to bend my joints. Couldn’t sit, stand, walk, anything without pain. Couldn’t breathe and could barely eat.

The relief came when they inserted the spinal block and laid me back on the table, and all the pain was gone. I remember saying “oh god, it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Babies were 6lbs9oz and 6lbs11oz. Recovery from the c-section was easier than being pregnant by far. I dropped a shitton of water weight within the first 48 hours. I did lots of regular walks outside, first just around the block but then more. The pain goes away but the weakness really lingers. You have to build your muscles and stamina back.
@billbydesign You're going to be so impressed with how FAST you can walk once they are out!!!! Lol
I had back pain, hip pain, massively swollen legs and feet, rhinitis, and carpal tunnel in both hands.... all totally gone within a week or 2 of having the twins. You'll be very tired but a lot of the pregnancy stuff just disappears without you even noticing.
Best of luck mama, you're almost there
@billbydesign I had SPD pain all through my pregnancy and I didn't feel it at all after the twins were out. Literally the moment they pulled twin A out I could feel relief, and besides the obvious C-section incision pain, I felt like myself literally the same day. No more hip pain at all. I'm 7 months postpartum, and I will say that I think my hips are weaker now, or just generally kind of wonky... I noticed when I'm running around the backyard with my 4-year-old that my hips feel... Weak? I don't know how to describe it exactly. It's not pain, but something feels off. I don't exercise regularly so perhaps that would help, but that is one thing I've noticed. And I will say that I developed intense wrist pain within a few weeks after birth, in both wrists. I think I developed dequerveins tendonitis or whatever it's called. I wore wrist braces while I slept for about 5 months after their birth. But we're 7 months out and my wrists are basically back to normal. I'm not even as big as I thought I would be... I'm wearing my old t-shirts and some of my old pants and I honestly thought I'd never be able to do that again. All this to say... The moment they are born you will absolutely start to feel better, and don't make any assumptions about your future body because it might be better than you're thinking it will be.😁
@billbydesign Honestly, once baby A came out, I felt light as air. Finally felt like I could breathe again!! Mine weren’t as big as they thought and I made it to 38 weeks exactly. 5 lb 7 oz and 5 lbs 15 oz… singleton was a 7 lb 12 oz baby at 39 weeks. It feels impossible but let it ride so those babes can cook a little longer :) best wishes!
@billbydesign Immediate relief! C section recovery was a breeze compared to the constant hip pain and near constant braxton hicks. Plus you can have pain killers. Just make sure to keep on top of them!
@billbydesign My experience isn't going to be the same as yours, my twins combined birth weight was under 8 pounds, but I will say that the relief was almost instantaneous. After I gave birth, I slept comfortably for the first time in months, the itchiness in my hands and feet were gone, and my back pain was gone by the end of the first week.

That's so amazing that you were able to keep them in for so long! My water broke at 30 weeks, and there was no stopping it. Congratulations on your babies, and I hope your delivery goes smoothly!
@billbydesign My twins sucked my weight off of me. I don't know how to describe it, but I lost weight even though I was still gaining weight. My face was noticeably less chubby at the end of pregnancy and after delivery I noticed I lost a lot of muscle mass in my forearms and calves. Very weird experience. I struggled to eat enough due to rapidly shrinking space for my stomach.

I instantly felt relief though. Even when they pulled just the first baby out. I clearly remember feeling so much lighter and could breathe so much better. Then they pulled the second one out and it was even better! I actually lost all the baby weight almost instantly. Babies, placenta, and all the fluid added up to all the weight I gained. I have since gained more though but I'm dairy free and it's been incredibly stressful.

My twins were almost 14 pounds together so they were pretty big. It took time to be able to walk as my feet were really swollen but my hips and joints felt better almost right away. I still have a pooch and diastasis recti so at some point I'll focus on that, but I'm so glad I can breathe again!
@billbydesign Haha, I remember after my singleton looking down and thinking, “that’s it?!“ after the twins, one was out and I was like “yaaassss, I feel lighter” after the 2nd was out, I legit saw my stomach sink in. It was amazing and I felt as light as a feather. Deep breaths and being able to bend over. Ahhhh. Get ready though. After birth contractions after two were worse than labor for me.
@billbydesign I had an 8 lb+ twin and a 6 pounder. I found my twin c section recovery was easier than my c section for my singleton. Immediately I felt better with a giant abdominal incision than carrying my twins. It was too much baby inside of me. Now they’re 14 and 11 lbs and I have new aches and pains from carrying them, but nothing even comes close to how miserable I felt pregnant with them
@billbydesign I just delivered vaginally a week ago, so not 100% the same, but absolutely so much better having them out! I could instantly breathe, no more heartburn, I can move slightly faster, and I am able to sleep!!!! My pelvis still feels like it wants to bust open when I roll over and I can’t stands on one foot without pubic bone pain, but that usually takes a little time to heal.
@billbydesign The swelling will take the longest to go away, but the pain relief is basically instant. Get ready for the best sleep you’ve ever had in those hours where the anesthesia is still wearing off. And with the swelling, one day you will wake up and suddenly have ankles again. Keep hanging in there, you will feel so much better soon!
@billbydesign Thank you for asking this! I’m 33+3 and wondering how my body will tackle the next 4 weeks. And whether I should savouring the moments of “ease” of being pregnant and enjoy my 4 year old or be looking forward to post delivery. Because I’ve felt so conflicted!
@billbydesign I haven’t had my twins yet but I delivered a single 8lb 9oz baby in 2020 and THE MOMENT she came out I felt so ungodly relieved. Like I literally felt like I could take a deep breath for the first time in 2 weeks. So far what I’ve noticed with this pregnancy Vs my singleton is I felt what I thought was the worst with her so much earlier and then it just keeps getting worse. I’m almost 32 weeks and it’s just so much worse than I felt the day I delivered her (37+6) I can’t imagine I won’t feel that same level of relief.
@billbydesign I didn’t have a c-section, so can’t comment on that recovery but I felt worse for 3 weeks after birth and then better.
But that’s because I thought the water retention would magically go, it takes a week to see your ankles again. That my carpal tunnel would calm down, it got worse for 6 weeks after and then is completely gone.

I had similar sizes babies 3.8 kg and 3.4 kg, I couldn’t walk properly after, obviously internals are going back into place but I felt unbalance from no weight at the front, I found binding and compressions helped immensely with that.

I wanted the bubs out from 37 weeks and was losing my mind when there no sign of movement. I was miserable, sleeping, walking and eating all sucked. I got induced at 38+2.