Heart Defect

@lyn02 With our last, our 20 week scan resulted in a diagnosis of tetralogy of fallot. Cue 5 weeks of emotional rollercoaster as we waited for an appointment with the cardiologist to talk next steps.

My advice is unsatisfying: wait to talk to the cardiologist before heading into the emotional abyss. Easier said than done, but I wish I had that advice back then.

Our cardiologist went through all the evidence, downgraded the diagnosis and worked with us on a plan.

I know your diagnosis is different, but you’re only a few days away from speaking to someone with the experience to guide your next steps.

You’re going to get through this.
@maineiac Firstly, I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. Secondly, I can’t tell you enough how much your message means to us. We had to stop googling because there’s just too much out there so it’s doing more harm than good, definitely looking forward to hearing what the experts say Wednesday. We’ve had a few messages very similar to this and it gives us hope. Again, thank SO much for your message.
@katrina2017 Here's a sneak peek of /r/tfmr_support using the top posts of all time!

#1: A note about user harassment.

#2: I don’t have words about what SCOTUS just did. I’m just numb.

#3: I know we made the right choice

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@ihadavision I have been poking around in this sub and am already feeling like it has been helpful. I feel far less alone. Thank you for suggesting it, I didn't even know this existed. -OP's wife