Daughter coming home after TBI Wednesday, I’m terrified and full of fear even after trying to be grateful and hopeful. My heart aches

@tim_goodnews Not knowing exactly how something is going to play out for your child is so hard. While I don’t have experience with tbi, my daughter was born 4 months premature. So she has a trach and a gtube. We do 5 therapies weekly. I can absolutely say kids are insanely resilient. They told me so many times my daughter wouldn’t be here and she’s 2.5 and expected to fully catch up. Therapy does wonders. Speech has been a big hurdle to us. But it’s the therapy has been a game changer. If you ever have any questions about the gtube or therapy please feel free to message me. I was so freaked out by her gtube and it’s honestly become second nature and one of the easier things we do. And please do you best to take care of yourself. It’s so hard when you’re in this position but it’s so important. Keeping you both in my prayers.
@tinks ❤️‍🩹🥹 as y’all are in mine, I will definitely take you up on reaching out as the g tube is definitely new to me. Beautiful to hear your daughter is exceeding expectations!
@tim_goodnews Please do! There’s a few gtube groups of Facebook as well that were super helpful to me in the beginning. Because of those we were able to have certain things set up at home that made things easier. There’s tons of cute things that we got, backpacks, tube pads etc. I can definitely send you some resources. We came home with home nursing, get monthly medical supplies just all sorts of things. Thinking about you and your sweet girl. 💜
@tim_goodnews As far as brain injuries go, kids are so freaking amazing about healing.

I have a friend who as a baby had a MASSIVE brain injury. The doctor told his mom he would never walk, talk, etc.

He used to sing everything.

He just randomly started talking at 4 and didn’t just walk, he ran, he won swimming competitions, he excelled at school.

He had a few hiccups with making new connections in his brain, but it never stopped him.

My friend’s mom mourned for who she had, but it turned out he was always there.
@tim_goodnews There is always hope, and kids… they’re always there to surprise us.

I’ll tell you one way his brain was a bit spicy - he once was trying to throw something into our recycling and kept putting it in the garbage. He’d pick it up and try again. It took me moving his hand over to the recycling right beside it and he never had that issue again. It never changed how we view him - any of us - and it added an extra fun factor with him. Plus he can make a song on the spot.

His was meningitis as an infant. Massive trauma and brain swelling.
@tim_goodnews If you live in Cali, find out more about Voice Options.

It can assist your child with speech if regular speech therapy isn't showing results. This is for anyone with a speech impairment.

Definitely try to work on it first before going through this route.

If you don't live in Cali, see if your state has something similar. Definitely find an independent living center, it's a educational resource center for individuals who have disabilities or family members who have them. They can guide you with what you need.
@tim_goodnews I’m a physical therapists who works with adults with TBI. First of all, the love for your daughter is palpable in your words and concerns. She is incredibly lucky to have you. It does sound like she has made a ton of progress and that’s a really good sign. She may come home a slightly different girl than she was before this, but you are also coming out of this experience slightly different. It may seem incredibly scary now, but know that there is support in the doctors and nurses that she is working with for you both. It seems like a huge mountain right now, but in the grand scheme of her life, this is just going to be a little hill. Thinking of you and sending positive vibes to both of you as she returns home. I’m sure she’s so excited.
@primula 😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 you’re right, we’re both definitely different after that day. I appreciate you taking the time to reassure and soothe me. The drs and nurses and chaplains have all helped us immensely and I guess… we’re about to not have them so readily available. Which is probably why the fear has been consuming me. I know we have outpatient therapy for a while but ya knooow. I’m just a mess lately.
@tim_goodnews A family friend was crushed in a car accident as a child (I think she was 6 or 7) when a semi truck crashed into their car. She lost an eye and has limited movement in one arm and had so much brain swelling that they had to do more than one craniotomy. She has her masters of fine art, is happily married and lives a perfectly normal life. It sounds like your daughter is a kick ass fighter! Look into support groups online or around you in person.

Children are incredibly resilient and they kick goals all day long! Take advantage of any and all support you can get! You will get through it!!
@tim_goodnews I am very sorry this happened to your family.

Others have shared some wonderful words already but I want to add that little kids brains are incredibly resilient and capable of great plasticity There are children who had to have half of their brains removed due to epileptic seizures and made a full recovery.
@tim_goodnews Im so sorry to hear this. I just wanted you to know that I am a music therapist and I work with TBI - possibly worth exploring as a therapy that might seem more “fun” or accessible for your daughter? We’re probably not even in the same country, I’m not suggesting me specifically, but just wanted to suggest looking into it in your area.
@tim_goodnews This story just broke my heart and I’m tears, I will pray for your baby girl! No one can prepare for a situation like this! Take it day by day and don’t stress on tomorrow’s problems, they will still be there tomorrow you know! Just love on her and hug on her and have faith! Your baby is coming home ❤️❤️
@tim_goodnews I wish I could give you a big hug. You have all gone through a major traumatic event. And you are actively grieving right now. You are processing the loss of your live’s and your daughter’s health before the accident. That guilt you feel is a variation on the bargaining part of the grieving process. Your brain is trying to think of ways that things could have been different. It helps me to just name it. Try to focus on doing the next right thing. Be as gentle with yourself as you can. You are all healing right now. I hope you have lots of support.