Can luteal phase defect be a sign of bad eggs?

@lachar It’s the only thing that lengthened mine. But I also got pregnant every single time I used it. So that in itself is a strong enough of a correlation for me to trust it had an effect (every though 2/3 pregnancies weren’t successful)
@lachar Have you seen an RE? If you have data to show consistently super short luteal phases you probably don't need to wait a year. My LP was 5-6 days and I was able to see an RE after 6 cycles. They actually found I was ovulating properly but had some kind of hormonal imbalance so put me on progesterone, which worked to lengthen my LP. I would imagine the progesterone you get prescribed through the doctor will be much more reliable than a supplement you buy yourself. And if it does turn out to be an issue with ovulation then the RE will be able to determine that as well and give ovulation induction medication if needed. (my RE actually initially thought I wasn't properly ovulating, but the testing we did showed I was ovulating after all, so that's why she started me on the progesterone supplements).
@susand55 My doctor will not see me for fertility due to my insurance but I made an appt in regards to my cycle issues for this week. I’m hoping they will help me..
@susand55 It does such!!! They won’t even let me pay out of pocket for care it’s weird…. My partner & I have been discussing seeing a fertility clinic if need be but that’s a whole other big thing because very expensive. Fingers crossed I get answers or some help regulating my cycle.
@lachar I hope your appointment goes well and you can get to the bottom of things. For some reason my comment talking about the otc stuff helping me is being down voted lol I don’t understand if I’m just sharing my experience. I know that seeing a doctor is obviously the better option - but when I had nobody listening to me I had to take matters into my own hands. Thankfully now I’m under the care of a specialist too but for a lot of people that sadly isn’t an option. That’s nuts they don’t even allow self pay.