Healthy foods for nausea, do they exist?

@mgross Everyone is different, but I ended up eating a lot of simple things, mostly fruits and veggies. To get some carbs I would eat plain oatmeal. It was so hard to keep much of anything down!
@mgross You may or may not get nausea, but be kind to yourself and eat what you can keep down. If it's a bagel or a banana, doesn't matter. Good luck!
@mgross Also new here! 7w, just started hitting me in the past week and seeing the comment about hunger I can relate. I now have a pack of Graze snacks by the bed for my inevitable 3am munchies, brushing my teeth really helps ease it too.

I have an insatiable appetite alongside the sickness. Iā€™ve had 4smallish meals already today (itā€™s 6pm) Pasta with fresh tomatoes and Parmesan cheese is whatā€™s hitting the spot at the moment and itā€™s good.
@mgross Its going to depend honestly. Nausea usually gets accompanied by food aversions. I was seriously averse to chicken while pregnant even though I love it normall and its a huge staple in my diet. I was also averse to water. Just a small sip would make me puke so I had to start using crystal light flavoring.

For me personally, I didnt eat much healthy because I ended up with HG and there was very little I was consistently keeping down. Omeletts was one but mostly I ate a ton of "unhealthy" carby food. I was sick until 30 weeks.

I guess what I'm saying is that every body reacts to the nausea and puking differently. Some people dont even get them. Its definitely not just a morning thing.
@mgross Iā€™m 12+4 pregnant with twins, and eagerly awaiting nausea to go away. It came on around week 7 and hasnā€™t leftā€”24/7 nausea šŸ˜­. Literally nothing sounds appetizing anymore so I just start making mostly my normal foods and force feeding, and it usually goes ok. Some of my usual staples disgust me too much (protein powder, for example), so Iā€™ve been pounding a lot of Greek yogurt. Try to prioritize protein and veggies, but acknowledge your aversions and do the best you can to achieve ā€œgood enoughā€! I think everyoneā€™s experience is a bit different.
@mgross I found that throughout the first trimester I had to switch up what my ā€˜safe foodā€™ was a few times. As long as you try to avoid the big nonos then itā€™s like with a baby: fed is best. I almost cried the first time I found myself actually enjoying a meal out with friends after the worst of the naseau had passed. It will hit everyone different, just listen to your body as you move through and try to get some of each macro (and micros if you arenā€™t doing a prenatal to make sure you hit all those)
@mgross I also did IF before becoming pregnant and the mental shift to allow any foods any time was a weird adjustment. What helped me not be so hard on myself was focusing on add something healthy/more protein/etc instead of scolding myself for eating something unhealthy like doritos or cookies. This is the first time in 5 or so years that I didnā€™t track food in some sort of manner and it has honestly been so freeing. I can do it after baby is born! Iā€™ve also kept up all of my workouts pretty much the same the whole time despite nausea (21wks now) so there is some balance in there.
@avnk89 Omg thissss. Thank you. Today I had to break my fast early and I felt so guilty but opted for a healthy snack before lunch. I too am a food tracker and itā€™s going to be so weird letting go of that and IF.
I purchased the book The Glucose Method in hopes of avoiding glucose spikes but honestly after reading everyoneā€™s responses I understand that itā€™s a ā€œgo with the (nausea) flowā€ type of thing.
@mgross You are probably going to experience a whole new rhythm with your body needs and hunger cues, just roll with them and try not to fight it. You are not in control of what is happening anymore haha :) good luck!
@avnk89 I've been fasting for years now, and this constantly eating and eating breakfast thing is doing my head in.... trying to be okay with it but have gained 2kg in 2.5 weeks due to eating more and carb heavy stuff - frustrating even despite knowing it's survival mode :(
@mgross Iā€™ve had nausea for some weeks in a row, every day, at least one episode a day. Never threw up but my god it was annoying as hell.
I ate a lot of fruit during these weeks because it felt good, watermelon being my go-to fruit. The thought of fruit did not make me wanna throw up, but a lot of my fav foods did. And itā€™s true what some ladies said here, nausea disappeared once I ate. But sometimes it appeared one hour after eating as well. When that happened, I had a nice big glass of ice water, really made me feel better.
Hope this helps you too!
@mgross Getting up a little earlier to have some oatmeal (+a scoop of protein) helped with morning workouts. Meat agreed with me when it came to afternoon/evening nausea.
@mgross Morning sickness should just be renamed to all day progressively worse sickness. I have been in survival mode and maybe in the last week Iā€™ve realized it isnā€™t getting worse and is starting to get a little better. Vanilla milkshakes and bagels with cream cheese help. Lots of citrus and fruit. I was keto before thisā€¦. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

Green yogurt with bananas and maple syrup also helps.