Just had a near miss with wife having newborn, now I have a healthy 2nd boy

@benjmck2 Same but when it comes to my kids I don’t mess around. We pay so enough for our health costs and luckily we have insurance so I try to use it as much as we need without worrying. Congrats again! Enjoy
@benjmck2 Omg man, that's how I was born too with it wrapped around my neck, it's some scary shit to think about. Had the same paranoia with my two and the second one almost got us with the preeclampsia. Happy to hear about the birth and that both of them are okay. Don't ever take it in stride, it's so easy to lose someone even when they aren't even here yet.
@benjmck2 TBH, sounds like somethin’ a mate of mine experienced. Matter of fact, she was nearly full term with labor underway. Though contractions were close, she didn't think it was time yet. Used her firstborn's experience as a guideline, yanno? Yet I urged her to go in and get checked anyway. Long story short, some scary things occurred, heart rate issues and the like. Ended up with an emergent C-section due to a cord around her neck. Now imagine if I hadn't insisted on that check-up... scary, right?

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