He left us

@jnb2 Never look back, never give another chance. Every minute further is a step farther away from the problems and the misery. If you give another chance, it only makes the next time, and there will absolutely me a next time harder. And, you’ll just have to start all the way over again. You got this, and keep going, end the abuse for your sons sake. A quote that helped me move on, “don’t water dead flowers”
@jnb2 Lots of love and hugs. It seems scary to make such a big life change but trust me…you’ll be so much happier in the long run. My only advice is not to rush into any new relationships- Take time to heal and get to know yourself again as a single lady and never settle for anything less than what you and your kiddo deserve. You’ve got this- you’ve already been solo parenting- now it will just be official.
@jnb2 I know you're scared, hurt and struggling, but it sounds like this is actually a positive change (eventually at least) for you and it also sounds like you have a wide circle of people in your corner. If you're ever feeling doubts remember that literally everyone in both of your lives saw him for what he is, even his own family.

Consult an attorney ASAP to protect your assets and your rights. And possibly your physical safety since he's apparently ready to use violence against you when you try to assert those rights.
@jnb2 I left my abusive ex and became a single mom. It may not feel like it quite yet, but your life is about to be truly amazing. You will soon realize how much easier it is to parent 1 child over a child and fully grown man. Run and don’t ever look back. I’m rooting for you!
@jnb2 Your situation has a lot of parallels to one I found myself in a little over a year ago. Let me tell you. I am SO MUCH HAPPIER than I ever have been, and you will be too. Being a single parent is scary as fuck but it’s also so freaking liberating when you come from an abusive relationship. Especially when that person had been telling you how much you need them the entire time.

I’m excited for you. I know you’re in the thick of it now, but you have so many good things to come.

If I may make a suggestion, definitely look into any government assistance programs you qualify for, including daycare programs like head start. It would make a big difference and with you being a single parent it will make it easier for you to qualify.

Best of luck. You’ve got this.

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