Having twins is my favorite thing


New member
When I was pregnant with twins and then trying to get through the newborn phase it felt like all I heard were the troubles coming my way with toddlers. Or maybe that’s all that stuck out in my mind? But my b/g twins are almost 2 1/2 and I love this stage so much. Here are some of my favorite things.

The other day they were pushing each other off their slide and I told them hands are for holding and helping, not pushing. So they spent the next 10 minutes holding hands and running around the house. They hold hands a lot.

My boy twin (B) is so funny and he can get my girl twin (G) belly laughing so hard she can’t talk.

G is so sweet and insistent that everything be fair so she is always giving B something even if he doesn’t want it. Eventually he gives up and just takes the cracker, water, or toy to make her happy.

G can find anything! If B loses something he can ask her and she will find it pronto and then she is so proud of herself.

G loves hugs and snuggling more than B so it feels like at least one of them will give me hugs and kisses if I want them.

They say I Love You in very different ways so getting to hear their distinct versions is amazing.

My husband and I love that we don’t have to “share” a kid and that we each get our own buddy.

When one of them is upset at night sometimes the other twin will talk to them and calm them down by just saying hi.

When they watch tv together they lay side by side under a blanket. They love being by each other.

There are just so many things throughout the day that make me so happy I have twins. And I’m grateful to be a part of the twin community.
@sensistar This is so sweet. My boys are 4 months old and just in the last couple weeks started smiling at each other and holding hands when they happen to touch. I can’t wait for them to be real buddies!
@distressedwife927 Yes it’s so sweet and kinda just came out of nowhere! They grab at each other’s clothes and hair, smile at each other and hardcore watch the other one eat while they wait their turn lol oh and they hold hands if they happen to touch when they are next to each other. Yours will start any day now!
@sensistar Twins are the best. I have one year old boys and sometimes I look at them and just think about how much emptier my life would be if I had singletons. Yes, I’d have way more money and time and blah blag blah… but I can’t imagine life without either one of these rugrats and their bond makes it all worth it (even ask they’re pulling each other’s hair out every five seconds…)
@chryslee09 I say a similar thing about my 2.5y singleton who has a BIG personality. Would it be easier with a kid with less personality? Probably. But it is so much more fun to see that strong personality in action.

(My twins are newborns so they are not fully showing their personalities yet)
@crownfair I love that philosophy! I feel bad for kids that have big personalities and you can tell that their parents just want them to be less. And I get it, it's exhausting and sometimes you just want a break. But how can we expect our children to be confident adults if we want them to be timid children? You're doing a great job, friend.
@sensistar My identical twin boys are 21 months and now get really excited to see each other if they’re ever apart (which isn’t often). One woke up earlier than the other today and when the second one woke up the first one ran down the hall shouting the second ones name in excitement. Then when he saw him and was so happy. My heart exploded.
@sensistar My b/g twins are also almost 2.5 and I completely agree! They’re best buddies. They have special names for each other. Sure there are tantrums and fights but most of the time it’s complete chaotic joy.
@sensistar The first 6 months were so hard. It was a dark time — my partner and I were so exhausted. And then it got better, but there's spurts of hard times.....but on the trajectory of better. They're still not consistently sleeping through the night at almost 14 months.

BUT, we love having twins. We keep on asking ourselves how we got so lucky with our strong-willed, silly little dudes. At dinner they love cheers-ing each other with their sippy cups and on their table for two with their bottles. One will grin, swing their cup over, and giggle, and the other will hold up their cup and they'll cheers together. They'll reach out their hands to hold each other's hands in their highchairs. They'll try to feed each other food and then laugh when the other eats it.

Their cribs are next to each other, so even though they wake each other up at night, in the morning they love holding hands over their crib rails and dancing while giggling at each other (holding on to the rails and swaying side to side). They play hide and seek in our living room (crawl behind a pillow or their play table) and burst into laughter all the time when they find each other.

It's the cutest thing to watch and it brings us so much joy they get to grow up with their best friend. As someone who had siblings that were 5+ years younger, I wish I had that as a kid. I didn't bond with my siblings on a peer level until after college. They're never going to feel lonely because they had someone who truly understands them from birth. It makes my heart full that they have each other and will have each others' back, even when one day I won't be around anymore. All of the hard stuff is temporary. The joy and love we feel for them is for the rest of our lives. We wouldn't trade this for anything.
@tchan777 That is so sweet!! I agree that the first few months were really hard and I wonder if that’s part of why every other age seems so amazing. My husband and I tell each other we got so lucky all the time. We don’t know how we got this lucky but we are so happy about it.
@sensistar First 5 months or so, were rough. Once they started sleeping through the night, things started to feel much better.

I found ages 1 - 3 the most fun honestly, cause I loved how they grew into little people finding their voice and able to use words to communicate.

Our b/g twins are now 6. And best friends. They play with each other nicely and at night, decide who’s bed they’re going to sleep in. Bringing ALLLL the stuffies.
@sensistar Thanks for sharing! I’m almost 34 weeks with identical twin boys and hearing all of the good makes me so much more excited and less terrified of what the next ~18+ years will bring ❤️