@lesbian5eva Very similar situation here. I’m a therapist and my husband works mostly normal work hours but has a somewhat flexible schedule.
My son is now 19 months. I went back to work very slowly at almost four months post partum. I started with just Sundays, and then eventually added in weeknights and Saturdays.
This is a very difficult schedule. We’ve been making it work, but when I work in the evenings, I’m only doing a few sessions (7pm and 8pm).
Pre baby, I had no issue working nights. By the time 7pm rolls around now, I’m exhausted. I do not have the time or energy or mental capacity to maintain the same caseload that I did before. My cognitive functioning has declined. I’ve largely stopped seeing minors because it is so difficult to schedule calls with schools/doctors/etc because I’m with my son all day.
I see my husband very little and we get very very little family time.
Some things to consider:
If you’re planning to breastfeed/pump, you’re going to need to build that time into your schedule. I was pumping every two hours because of supply issues. This impacted how many clients I could schedule in a day.
What kinds of clients are you working with? Are you trying to coordinate care with other professionals? If so, you’ll need to build time into your schedule for that during the time you’ll have your baby. Naps are often inconsistent (and contact naps) for the first while.
What kind of content are your clients bringing into session? How often and easily are you getting burned out now? You should expect that you are going to be more burned out once you have the baby, since it might be harder for you to meet your own needs.
Will you be able to provide equitable care? Will your client on Monday at 8pm receive the same care as your client on Thursday at 5pm?
I really don’t recommend this schedule. We are doing it out of necessity. Partially financial and partially because my son has developmental delays and requires a number of therapies throughout the week.
I wish you luck! Remember, it’s okay to change your plans.