Give your best line for “no”

@kimmjohns Just out of curiosity, does your husband not like being around his sibling either? I'm sorry you are in this position, I love whole family vacations, even if family is a pain sometimes. Hope you guys work through this.
@anoncoholic He doesn’t like SiL or BiL but he will do his best to make his mom happy. And she will keep digging into him. For months. And months. And try to convince him. Until he is finally like “fine, leave me alone”
@mem5 Ha, what kind of mom would she be not to pester her son for family time? Thats like mom 101. I'ma pester the hell out of my kids to all come around or do vacations together when they get to be adults.
@anoncoholic 🤷‍♀️ I’m gonna respect my kids’ no when they’re adults and accept that they may prefer to spend time together that doesn’t involve a family vacation with people they don’t get on with.