Getting it off my chest


New member
Dropping kid off at college in a couple days and everywhere I go I’m reminded of all the fun things I did with her as she grew up. At the grocery store now and noticing the model train up on the ceiling going round that we used to come and watch when she was 3. Don’t know if I’ll get out of here without tearing up.
@loverofgod33 My daughter was making her appointment for move in day and I lost it. I need to keep it together for her, but luckily both kids think I’m too emotional about this stuff. So, I’m not dragging her down with my emotional needs (I hope!)
@loverofgod33 You wouldn’t happen to be at Wegmans? Lol. They have a model train that chugs around the store. I can’t imagine what it will be like when my 13 yo daughter leaves for college. Going to the grocery store at the crack of dawn is our thing.
@jamesgray Ha! Wondered if someone would know what I’m talking about😉. I think most (all?) of the Wegman’s stores have that train hanging down from the ceiling. Spent many a shopping trip watching it go around.
Yeah, the next few years are going to go by before you know it. Cool that you have the early morning grocery run together🎈
@loverofgod33 I realize all this was coming around 2021, so I stopped working voluntary OT. I just switched jobs so I don’t have to work mandatory OT. Oldest is a HS freshman and youngest starts 6th grade. It’s going to fly by
@loverofgod33 You all are my people. I've been so weepy since my youngest left elementary school and I can't stop. They're going into 12th and 10th grade this year and my heart feels like it's about to explode from all the emotions!