General Chat 12/5

@kirbyjohn I would make an appointment to put your mind at rest, especially if this shorter LP is a change for you. Blood test this cycle might be a good idea, just to make sure!
@fasthello Hello everyone! My weekend was lovely, and I hope everyone else's was too. I woke up to a cute sprinkling of snow (now washed away by icky rain :-( ) and my husband and I are going to make gingerbread houses tonight
@revtimothy Hot chocolate and peppermint schapps or Bailey's! Hot toddy (whisky, hot tea, lemon, honey). Hot apple cider and booze. Mulled wine (red wine, apple cider, mulling spices steeped in a crockpot). Brandy slushes (brandy, tea, ginger ale, liquer, frozen until slushy)
@katrina2017 Thank you! Husband doesn't like whiskey or wine (which are my two favorite boozes... crazy man), but cider and run, or hot cocoa with Baileys sounds right up his alley! But I'm thinking a hot toddy for myself ;-)
@fasthello I had the worst kind of bittersweet dream last night... a BFP. It was blazing purple and came up super quickly. I took at least 3 tests with the same result. Of course then I woke up and felt a tiny bit hopeful like maybe it was a sign! And then all that hope turned to sadness when it sunk in that it wasn't real.... hopefully those 2 lines are reality soon enough!
@fasthello I've been trying to feel my cervix and am unsure if I have. Any tips on finding it? Is it higher than I'm expecting? I do think I have tiny fingers so I may just not have the capacity to find it. Anyways, its been baffling me the past couple of days and I've been reading guides on how to check it but it all just feels squishy and wet up there! Argh!
@jimmy7 Personally I think it feels like the tip of a penis, sometimes if it's really high you need to squat and bear down. So find the lump, and start looking for the tip!
@sunshine100 HAHAHA, love the imagery. I'll try squatting, I've tried finding it while sitting on the toilet and laying in bed so maybe squatting low is the way to go. I do love a good squat session, workin' out my glutes!
@fasthello I'm not sure whether I'm 12DPO or if I've moved on to cycle 5. I've been spotting little bits of light pink/brown since 9DPO (when I check internally, nothing on my undies). AF is due tomorrow. I usually spot for 1 day before AF, so 4 days of this is unusual. Is this just a super early, super light, super weird period? My temp dipped 0.3 degrees yesterday, but it skyrocketed today to a new high. WTF, body? Pregnancy tests are negative, of course. I guess I'll see what happens tomorrow - I'm ready to get on with it!
@fasthello I saw my solid smiley today, CD15! It fell on the same CD as last month, so I am feeling gleeful that my cycles are evening out as of this fourth cycle off of BC. I got 7 days of flashing smileys again this time, but this cycle we were ready and paced ourselves with the BD. Only a few more days, and I'll feel like we'll have done all we could do.
@fasthello 5dpo. Planned on doing SMEP while on vacation, but it didn't work out. We still managed O-1, O, and O+1. Even though it is still super early, yesterday I would have bet money on this being our cycle, just on a feeling. BUT temps are lower this cycle than normal so now I'm doubting myself. This is going to be a fun TWW. Glad I have all of you ladies to keep me sane!