Gaining weight even when breastfeeding


New member
I’m 4 weeks post partum. I have been breastfeeding and pumping while topping up with formula. I’ve heard that breastfeed help lose weight but I’ve actually gained 3lbs in 2 weeks. Other than walking and light dumbbell exercise (total about 45mins - 1.5 hr everyday), I have been eating more than when I was pregnant. So those could be the reasons.

While I want to start dieting, I worried that I won’t produce enough good quality milk.

Anyone has similar experience gaining weight postpartum?
@shikyo792 This sub is FULL and I mean FULL of anecdotes of women, like myself, who gained weight breastfeeding. Or initially lost, and then gained. Chances are if your hunger keeps up it’s bc you need the extra energy. It’s a lot of work to breastfeed! I’d say in most cases the quantity you eat and drink impacts supply, especially before your milk regulates. But you’re only 4w post!!! You shouldn’t even be working out yet! Your body is still swollen and inflamed and healing! Also a 3-5lb fluctuation for someone who breastfeeds is nothing. It’s certainly not fat lol it’s 99% likely fluid - depending how full your boobs are, how much you drank, if you pooped that day, if you’re sleep deprived etc etc etc. TLDR; it’s okay to want to lose weight but focus on healing first, establishing supply and then if you notice your supply is impacted by restricting calories you’ll have to decide if you want to prioritize weight loss or EBF. Some women just hold onto weight until weaning. It is what it is.
@kansasgirl I agree with everything in the comment.
OP, please wait for clearance from your doctor before doing any workouts besides walking. This sub is also full of people who regret overdoing it early postpartum and end up with an injury or prolapse.
@shikyo792 Ok this is what happened to me. My hormone-crazy body was mixing up my hunger and thirst signals. I felt STARVING but it turns out i was very dehydrated. So I just ate and ate when it turns out I should have been drinking water. Drink as much water as you can and then double it.
@shikyo792 You are only 4 weeks pp, give it some time.

I recommend you to focus on resting and being with your baby at this moment, there is no need to do 1.5 hours of daily exercise at this moment.
@shikyo792 Many women gain during breastfeeding... we were lied to (kidding....kinda). My sister lost a ton of weight, but she was basically not eating and was a first year resident. Her supply was affected because of that. I'm basically the same weight now as I was 9 months pregnant 🫠
@shikyo792 Eat lots of protein 1gram for every lb. Track it. Buy a cheap kitchen scale. Use MyFitnessPal! I had barely lost any weight and then when I started tracking I realized I was severely under eating for protein and fat and was just munching carbs. I was probably eating 3500 empty calories a day. Your body will signal for you to eat more if you aren’t eating enough of the right foods. I eat about 2300+ calories a day and just go for walks and have lost 10lbs in a month. I also drink 3-4litres of water everyday. I am not starving either. Protein and fats will keep you full and for longer.

My go to breakfast is one cup of oatmeal with two teaspoons of brown sugar and cinnamon on it. Gets me the carbs to get started. I also have decaf coffee with 60ml of cream and 2 scoops of collagen in it. (Collagen is protein)

For lunch today I had 175 grams Greek yogurt (plain) with 20 grams of vanilla protein powder, and 12grams of chia seeds. Topped with 80 grams strawberries. Then 8 garlic stuffed olives and celery and 2 tablespoons of hummus.

For snacks I have a protein shake, some cheese whisps crackers, and two of those two bite cinnamon buns.

Dinner is a huge spicy chicken breast Caesar salad and a half cup of cheese gnocchi.

And if I go for a long walk today I can probably have some more food. Fueling for health is so important. Eat more and do more! Eating less and doing more doesn’t work.

Don’t starve just feed yourself the right portions of food. And chew your food every single bite chew it and enjoy the flavors.

I’ve heard people say not to go under 1800 calories or your supply will drop. I don’t go under 2300. If breast feeding burns 500 calories then 2300-500 =1800. Then you’re already in a deficit.

Start with walking with baby, eventually adding some light weight lifting and increase weight over time.

Good luck mama! We are all in this together!
@shikyo792 This happened to me too. And I started going to the gym wayyy too early. I was trading off (much needed sleep) for exercise and would end up overeating because of it.
Once I got to about 7 months postpartum and baby was happily eating solids, I was meal prepping for him and could meal prep for myself. Not even 3 month later (and still breastfeeding) I’m down 19lbs. I do walking but prioritize napping when I can and healthy eating, but no calorie counting or even restriction. Give yourself time to heal mama! It will come off.
@shikyo792 I gained 10 lbs while breastfeeding and that’s with a pretty decent oversupply. I’m almost done weaning and my weight is still up but I can finally fit into my jeans (stomach bloat has gone down). Many people don’t lose weight from BFing, and a lot gain too. It’s hormonal
@shikyo792 4 weeks!! You are still recovering. You are not supposed to be losing weight for aesthetics. You are breastfeeding which consumes a LOT of energy and so you NEED to eat a whole lot more to keep up your supply. Please wait till you are 4-5 months pp to worry about your physical appearance.
@shikyo792 This was me. At a couple of months pp, I started calorie counting, but allowing myself lots of calories and I managed to start slowly losing weight while breastfeeding. It hasn't affected my supply at all. My baby is very chunky!
@shikyo792 Eating more will of course be the culprit. I lost weight while breastfeeding and did not stop producing milk. It wasn’t on purpose. I just didn’t have time to eat at one point. I think if you don’t have too high of a calorie deficit you will continue to produce milk. Maybe just eat the way you did before pregnancy with an extra snack