I need help - baby is not gaining weight

@apa Do what you have to do, supplement with formula for now and continue pumping and feeding too. If your goal is to breastfeed without supplement you can do it but don't feel bad for using formula either
@apa You're not failing yourself or your daughter if you supplement with a little bit of formula! You don't need to do one or the other.

I did combi feeding in the first 3 months, my daughter is now 13 months old and still breastfeeds now!

Sometimes our breastfeeding journeys don't go exactly as we planned, but it doesn't mean you've done anything wrong.
@apa My baby had reflux and once we got her on Pepcid she started gaining weight. I did mostly breast milk for the first 6 months and then started adding it in around then. My pediatrician suggested formula when I was concerned and I hate how they just go straight to that. I went to a pediatrician that also works with lactation specialists and she put my baby on reflux meds and said to continue just doing breastmilk.
@jdude81 Yes. It was so hard to breastfeed too so I ended up exclusively pumping. My baby would spit up an entire bottle and we could only feed her propped up. There was a point where we could only feed her 1oz at a time and even then she’d still spit up. She was a completely different baby the same day we started reflux meds.
@apa Why not supplement with formula and see if that helps the crying? If it doesn’t, then keep looking, and if it does, then do it. I know breastfeeding is held as this golden standard but you need to make sure your baby isn’t hungry.