I need help - baby is not gaining weight

@apa Please have baby checked for a UTI. My baby gained weight just fine for 6+ weeks, then basically stopped. She ended up hospitalized with a UTI. Gained 3 lbs in one month once the UTI was treated, and has no weight issues since. My baby would not have gained any more weight while she hd the UTI, even if she had been on formula. Rule the UTI out first!

I hope you find your answers soon!
@apa Go see a lactation consultant before giving a formula top up! Some have mentioned trouble shooting latch/positioning - good luck!
@apa I advise you not to stress yourself since stressing and being anxious can negatively impact breastfeeding too. Try to be comfortable while you are nursing your baby. I personally would not do formula and try every option outside of that e.g nursing frequently (make sure to offer both breast after each session) , pumping milk after each session 5-10min each breast, top off with 1oz of your breast milk in a bottle if she will take it, intake enough water and include oats in your diet to help with production. Also figure out if the fussiness is from something else. Wet diaper, gas ( do bicycle kicks or other type positions to relieve lower gas), burp her after each feeding (try various positions if possible), position used to nurse her ( noting right or left breast may require a different position). Don’t feel pressured to feed your baby formula if you are against it. I had a scenario myself when my 7 week old daughter was losing weight in the beginning as my milk took 4 days to come in but I stayed consistent to offer her to nurse every chance she would take it and she was able to go from 5lbs 10oz to 8lb 10oz in about 2.5 weeks so it’s possible to even increase your production by frequent nurse from her ( I did discover my daughter is a lazy feeder- she would fall asleep and wake up so long nursing sessions helped)

Kellymom website is helpful https://kellymom.com/hot-topics/fussy-while-nursing/

I hope my advice helps :)

Also want to add Doctors are always trying to find quick fixes but it doesn’t always fix the long term problems and introducing formula can lead to digestive issues and a more fussy baby
@jdude81 My nursing sessions ranged from 25 mins to 45 mins. It really depends on the baby some pediatrician are not really knowledgeable or experienced in breastfeeding most go by textbook information which can be outdated.
@apa Okay so from your post, it looks like slow weight gain, not that she’s entirely stopped growing? Has she had any other known health issues? Have you done weighted feeds? If you do a weighted feed and that comes back alright, I’d ask for a genetics test to see if there’s anything underlying that could be causing slow weight gain. It’s very unlikely she’s starving if she has that many diapers a day (if they’re heavy pees?) and is otherwise content. My first son went from 50th to 20th to 85th percentile in the course of a year. Sometimes kids don’t grow in perfect lines like doctors want them to. My second son has a genetic cause that makes him gain weight at a different rate than the norm. I’d push for GI, allergist and genetics if weighted feeds come back normal.
@apa Just supplement. My hospital and their lactation consultants made me feel absolutely horrid about all of it, but you are NOT horrid for trying to do the best thing for your child! I was in a similar position. I was nursing constantly, but baby just wasn’t gaining properly. I still regret not supplementing earlier; it felt like no matter what I could do, there was some person telling me I was a horrible mother permanently damaging my baby. Don’t listen; just feed your hungry child. Find yourself a GOOD lactation consultant in the meantime. And don’t be afraid to see another pediatrician too, if you feel like there is more going on causing baby’s pain/irritability.
@apa Please don’t wait until Tuesday and supplement with formula now. You can keep pumping sure, but making sure baby is gaining weight should be priority number 1. Baby should have regained birthweight by 3 weeks old.
@apa It’s a little out of the box, but if you’re able to, find a chiropractor in your area who specializes in babies.
When they’re born, coming through the birth canal (and even the pressure from pulling them out in a c-section) can greatly put the baby out of alignment. Very often their jaw is very out of alignment which can greatly effect their latch. Also, check for lip and tongue ties. This can effect latch and thus how much milk your baby is eating.
When my daughter was born, everyone said she didn’t have any ties. Yet her latch was very painful. I took her to a chiro who adjusted her and insisted that she had a tie and I take her to a dentist for a free consultation. We did and sure enough she had a tongue tie. With handling that and her getting regularity adjusted (they don’t crack bones, they massage out certain areas) her latch greatly improved and she gains weight like a champ.
@fskiddles Chiropractors have no oversight and have killed or severely injured babies in the past. There is absolutely no scenario where a baby shower be going to see a chiropractor.

With handling that and her getting regularity adjusted (they don’t crack bones, they massage out certain areas) her latch greatly improved and she gains weight like a champ.

That's not how any of this works. Please speak with an actual licensed professional, like a pediatrician, before bringing a baby to this kind of nonsense.
@narayani Yep! We also saw a pediatric speech path and pediatric PT for our son's tongue tie and torticollis.

The point of PT, speech, and OT is to fix the issue so you don't need to keep going. The point of chiropractors is to always need them.
@apa It seems to me that she is growing normally. The baby lose weight after birth, that is common. Also, she is steadily gaining and not losing, which shows she is not starving. I suggest feed on demand. When she cries, feed her. Don’t schedule the feedings anymore if you have.