For those who have weaned before.

@marci111 I’m 10.5 months pp and my supply is taking a noticeable hit (I was already an under supplier). I feel like I’m having WILD emotional swings and zero ability to control my emotions currently. In your experience does that sound familiar to when you weaned?
@vl32 I felt so much better after we weaned. We stopped around 2.5 years and I was so happy to have my body back! We were down to just a feed to sleep when we totally stopped.
@piggy476 When you were down to just night feeds did you end up just stopping altogether. Or did you do every other night , or anything like that?
@vl32 I was fed up and told him one night you either get milkies or or new toy tomorrow and he picked the toy and never nursed again. I couldn't believe it. I was hyping myself up for it being hard to wean and it was not at all.
@vl32 I was sad but I wasn’t depressed when I weaned my first born. I did it quickly too - in three days I was done. I was pretty happy to be done too (he was 9 months old).
@isa4031 Luckily toddler took bottles easy. So I just increase the amount of formula in each bottle feed slowly while decreasing the amount of time I breastfed. He was sleeping through the night at that point and eating real food too so it was only really 5 bottles max a day

Edit to add: if I was engorged still, I just hand expressed in the shower.
@rainchild I would also like to hear! I'm 11 months in so in a weird spot where I might not need to wean to formula but can just stick with solids. I have no idea though
@evans26 As someone who was just there, I started weaning and just giving her cows milk in a cup (cleared by her pediatrician) instead of breastmilk.
@evans26 I answered in my reply to the other person. But pretty much I just solely increase the amount of formula in a bottle and fed that first. Then he was still hungry then breast-fed. Every new bottle, I had a little bit more formula. This is how I’m doing it with my second born right now; he is seven months old.
@morganpettit97 I never made that connection for myself, but I didn't have any mood swings either or hormonal depression. I was too busy trying not to barf while chasing a 16 mos old around. I'd also night weaned 6 months before.
@vl32 I’m in the process right now (13 months postpartum) and dealing with some worsening depression and anxiety symptoms. However, I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety my whole life, and there are other factors going on at the moment that make it hard to tease apart the cause. Is it weaning? Is it my son starting daycare/being apart from me? Is it my husband’s extra busy work schedule that has him away from home a lot? Is it the cold, dark winter dragging on? Global politics? Being a woman in 2024? All of the above? Who knows?
@vl32 I’m a big fan of the herbal supplement Shatavari for hormonal support. I’m using it for postpartum support and it’s just phenomenal.

It’s breastfeeding (and pregnancy) safe
@confused_guy I also highly recommend Maca Root powder!! It changes my life postpartum. It normalizes hormones, plus it's taken for increasing the quantity & quality of breast milk.

If I ever have another baby I'm starting Maca right when I push the baby out 😆 (breastfeeding safe, not sure about pregnancy. But it's also used for fertility, pre-pregnancy ❤)

Btw I'm in South India & the lactation pills they gave me had shatavari, astragalus & ashwagandha. (Ashwagandha is not pregnancy safe, but ok in breastfeeding)
@meki It’s truly unfortunate how many sub par companies are out there. I take organic India capsules. I used to work in the natural products industry and i trust their products and that they do adequate testing.