For those who have weaned before.

@vl32 I've weaned two and I never felt that way. Tbf my first weaned because I was pregnant again so that may have helped since I just sort of dried up slowly without any effort. My second had been dropping feeds and then one day I just said all done and after a couple days she stopped asking. I wasn't depressed or anything really. Just stopped and went back to wearing normal bras and clothes which was a boost lol.
@vl32 I've felt sad each time bc I never reached my 1 year goal. Less sad the second time though bc I was 3.5 weeks away from 1 year, lol. I felt horrible the first time, but I was an absolute wreck with my first with undiagnosed PPA and PPD.
@vl32 No, that’s blatantly untrue.

My recommendation is to do it gradually but my girl kind of weaned herself around 11/12mo and I was nothing but delighted to get my bodily autonomy back!
@vl32 My girl was down to 1 feed when I stopped. She was just over 2 years old, and I made her go cold turkey a couple of months into my second pregnancy as it just hurt too much they were so sensitive/tender. I didnt have any negative sode effects or low mood.
@vl32 I exclusively pumped for 9.5 months and had anxiety during letdown. My husband said I was mean. Once I finally weaned I went back to being more happy and stressing less around feeding times. I did have some jewelry made with breast milk so you could do something like that.
@vl32 I also struggled with postpartum depression, but when I weaned, I felt more energetic, and that always boosts my mood 😆 praying for your success!
@vl32 Yes and no… it’s complicated
I’m not as tired and snappy when i weaned my oldest but because breastfeeding releases oxytocin and you aren’t getting that you can feel sad.
So while I’m not as tired I am a little sad so it kind of just balances me out 🤷🏻‍♀️
@vl32 I weaned gradually because my daughter gradually lost interest. I didn’t have any noticeable changes. If anything, I actually felt better because I got my sex drive back and felt a lot more normal!
@vl32 No I didn't feel depressed and I was around 12 weeks pregnant when we finished weaning. I had been down to only one or two feeds a day for a good few months before fully weaning. I think making it a long gradual process helps the body to adjust to the hormonal changes.
@vl32 I didn't feel depressed. Fed my son until he was 18 months and it just naturally reduced slowly due to him eating more solids. Was one feed a day by the end then it just sort of stopped...I didn't feel any different.
@vl32 Weaned at 2y4m. Cold turkey.

I had some... strong feelings. Cried a little about silly things. A touch of anxiety. But I knew my hormones would be doing some wild things for a couple of weeks so I was able to sort of just, recognize it for what it was?

And the relief was sooooo sweet. About a month later this mind fog lifted, and I feel so much more like myself. Libido came back. Interests and hobbies came back.

And she was fine. Doesn't even care about nursing or bring it up. It's like she completely forgot about it.
@kerr4y Sorry to jump on this old thread but could you advise on what your cold turkey journey looked like?

My LO is a boob monster and we think this will be the only way but I’m so sad and scared of how he will be 🫠
@brownski Welllllll... I got Covid. So I was isolated, trying not to share my germs for a couple of days. Which probably helped.

When she asked after, I just told her she was too big now, and asked her if she wanted a snuggle instead?She always said yes, and we'd just snuggle until she bounced off.

She asked a few times afterward, but always at times she was used to there being boob. (Pick up from daycare, etc.) It's like she was just testing to see if boob was ever available, and it wasn't even upset when denied. More just... running an experiment.

She was already pretty big. YMMV, but it turned out to be wayyyy less of an ordeal than I thought it was going to be.

You got this!
@vl32 I weaned at 20 months and didn't feel any depression. Went from nursing 5-6x a day to cold turkey, no nursing. It did not affect my mood much to my surprise. I felt it freed up my time and am happier for it.