For those of you exercising 5+ times a week

@austins3991 Only recently, in the last 8 or 10 weeks, have I started having the energy to get 5 workouts in. I'm 28 weeks. I work full time form home and my 4 year old goes to preschool full time so all that helps me get a workout in. I workout usually around 11 which is my best time for a workout. I stream body pump 45 minute videos 3x a week and then do prenatal barre through Beachbody 2x a week. I try to walk every Saturday or Sunday morning but that doesn't always happen. I usually vigorously clean on one of those days and mow the lawn on another so I count that as a bit of cardio hah.

I don't have many tips because I think 3-4 a week is WONDERFUL and I think you're rocking it but I do it every work day because it makes me feel better about sitting all day at my desk at my house.
@austins3991 I was getting some kind of exercise 6-7 days a week up until about 33 weeks. I was doing a combo of 3 miles of walking each day plus a short Melissa Wood Health video OR a longer video by her or barre workout. I work full time but mostly from home so I managed by doing a workout video in the morning before starting and then taking an hour lunch for my walk, or breaking up my walk to do half at lunch and half after work. On days I went into work, I skipped my walk since I was on my feet a lot of the day already and did a half hour barre workout in the morning.

The way I did it if I did a full walk plus a regular workout, it could be really time consuming and so it’s all about prioritizing what you want and not what someone else does, and also your own schedule. My main goal was to do something no matter how big or small every single day, then if I had to take a day off or go slower one day I didn’t feel bad about it. And now that I can’t really physically handle it anymore, I feel okay with that because I built up kind of an insurance policy for myself.
@austins3991 I’m terrible at mornings and can only work out in the evenings on work days… Depending on weather, I’ve been trying to either take a 60 minute walk (~3 miles, pretty flat), or doing 20-30 min of easy Peloton rides and another 20 min of Peloton yoga. I had a rough first trimester and am just starting to ease back in now.. so far so good! 🤞🏼
@austins3991 I run everyday mostly because I will get a horrible migraine if I don’t, but I’ve definitely slowed down. On my days off I go to the gym. I work 3-12s
@austins3991 I work full time (mostly from home but not always) 19w5d and I workout 5x a week (so still early). I go to Orange Theory, so the motivation is easier to find when I know I can just turn off most of my brain and let the coach/template designers tell me what to do. I schedule it around work (and my need for naps) and other obligations like doula interviews, appts, etc.

I find that looking into additional studio locations helps me to avoid excuses even on days where I'm working from the office or another location. It also helps that there's a cancel fee associated if you late cancel, so I make myself book ahead of time when I know my work situation and then get to have the debate about whether or not I want to pay the cancel fee or just suck it up and go have a green day or whatever when I get there. I usually find myself in the studio.

Otherwise, my motivation is to keep my strength up for delivery/post partum as much as I can and I just repeat a mantra in my head that reminds me to be strong for the baby. There are absolutely days where to the onlooker I might look like a lameass failure (my words not theirs) - but as long as I know that I'm there, going as hard as I can as safely as I can, I can usually get past the mental struggle or concern about being judged/need to compete. I'm only competing with myself and my body at this point, and I try to focus on how happy I am that I can still run/row/squat/walk/whatever modification I need to do at this point.
@austins3991 I work full time, but currently from home. I do a 40-minute lagree class 3 mornings a week (at 6 or 7 AM before work), and run 4 times a week (I do a long run on Sundays, two mid distance runs, and a 3 mile run that I stack on one of the lagree days). On weekdays, I currently either run in the morning or during a break in the work day, but when it isn’t hot, I’ll often run right at the end of the work day.
@annemk ooooo, so im a FTM and love Lagree but stopped doing it pretty early in the pregnancy bc I wasn't sure how the modifications work. What do you do for the core heavy part of the classes? Do you find you're still getting a good strength workout?
@daniel2015 Luckily, I didn’t have to adjust much at all until about 18 weeks, outside of taking more breaks.

Now, at 28 weeks, I avoid most twisty ab things, especially on the back (though twisted body saw, twisted wheelbarrow, and side planks on the front all still feel okay), so I’ll just do a centered version of the twisty stuff, and I’ve started moving most ab things to the front of the machine and taking breaks/not pushing too hard (my “pike” during plank to pike is pretty pathetic at this point). I also don’t do swimmer or anything that involves lying on my stomach—I’ll generally do something like a kneeling chest opener instead.

I’ve been doing lagree for almost 2 years, so I felt better about continuing since I have fairly good/safe form for most things, and my instructor is great at checking in with me and sharing modifications as needed. I’m continuing to monitor the core stuff and adjusting as needed, but so far so good! And yes, I still get a great workout. The squats and such are really helping with my pelvic floor strength, and I’ve mostly avoided the really bad SI pain that I suffered through last pregnancy.
@austins3991 I do work full time, but am lucky that my unit is now permanently 100% telework. I was consistently hitting 6-7 days a week on the Peloton for the 1st & 2nd Tri, but I have scaled back to 5-6 in the 3rd Tri. Almost 34 weeks now and have just been listening to my body, as most days I still really crave the activity. The cycling has helped tremendously with hip pain and mobility, as well as keeping my energy level up throughout the morning and afternoon. I am exhausted by 6pm regardless but I don’t think that can be avoided at this point! 😂

I usually just do a 20 minute ride paired with a 5 or 10 minute cool down depending on how I’m feeling. If I was still going into the office, I think it would definitely be harder to keep this type of schedule up though.

My tip is, any time you feel the energy and have the time just get a quick workout in where you can! No pressure, if it feels good DO IT, but if not you can still honor your body by resting and knowing your limits. That is equally (if not more) important during this time!
@austins3991 I was running/walking around 5k 4- 5 times a week when I was working plus 40 min of strength training up until 34 weeks. I got my peloton at 35 weeks and I’ve since stopped doing the latter and I do about 1 hr and 10 min of classes everyday. I’m 37+5 and going strong. I find cycling puts less pressure on my body than running at this point. I’m not working any more though. I’m motivated because I know what I do now will help me when I have my baby. My docs have been supportive.
@austins3991 17w. I WFH full time with no kids, and work out after work or after dinner. We have a home gym that’s pretty loaded and I strength train 4-5x a week for 45-1hr, and walk hills 30 mins a day with my dog. I went through IVF so wasn’t able to work out like I did before, then first trimester just sucked. So now I have all this energy and taking advantage of it as much as I can. Motivation is:
1) Staying healthy for baby and I
2) Feeling good about it after
3) I wear cute workout clothing and like to look at my bump in the mirror as I lift. 😇
@austins3991 Aim is to do 30 mins of prenatal yoga in the morning and 30 mins of some form of hiit workout or walk in the evening 5 days a week. Currently 15w3d and I’ve been hitting this for 3-4 of the 5 days.
I think we should be proud even if we are able to do anything in any capacity even 1-2 days a week because of what our bodies go through.
@austins3991 I’ve stopped lifting with push pull leg split. 2 full body lifting days, 30-45 minute peloton rides other days with at least 1 being intervals and arms, and then 3-4 mile walk daily. PS FLORIDA IS TOO HOT.
@austins3991 So most weeks I: swim laps 2-3 days per week, do HIIT 2 days per week, do cardio 2-3 dpw, do yoga 1-2 dpw, hike 1-2 dpw, climb 1-2 dpw. How those distribute is a little different but the overall totals are consistent. I sleep like hell if I don't excercise so I usually do 7 dpw.
@austins3991 my main squeeze is peloton classes, mostly cycling and weights. I work FT, but have a flex schedule due to pandemic and only go to campus once per week. If I didn’t have this, I’d probably find something else. When I’m on campus, I walk a lot.