For those of you exercising 5+ times a week

@austins3991 I work FT and I get a 45 minute Spin workout in every day. I plan my workouts around my work schedule, whether it takes getting up earlier, working out over lunch or finding time after work. It sucks most days (especially at 35w) but it keeps me feeling sane/better about myself. The hardest part is usually just getting myself on the bike. Once I get started I’m more motivated.
@austins3991 I’m not pregnant now but worked out 5-7 times per week during pregnancy. I mostly did CrossFit and running. The things that helped me get out the door were the social aspect of it all. Even as I had to add more walking breaks to running, it was still nice to have a person to meet up with and have some social time.

For me, waking up and going to the gym is always something that makes me feel better whereas 99% of the time, skipping a workout leaves me feeling sluggish so knowing that, my mindset was always to show up and even if it was a slower day, I always felt better.
@ross_souls I need to learn how to take slower days lol I go to orangetheory before work most days. I’m super competitive though and I’ve skipped going because I needed to take it easy. I can definitely slow down some days 😂
@austins3991 I used to do Core Power yoga, but just switched to Move Your Bump. Workouts are usually around 30 minutes. I'm lucky because I work from home and it's not the end of the world if I get started a bit after 9 each day.
@austins3991 I’m doing The Sculpt Society’s prenatal program (she has a calendar that I just follow). She incorporates cardio (walks) on her calendar, which I sometimes sub with my rowing machine. She also has a pelvic floor section, which has helped me keep my pelvic floor strong. I’d probably be a lump on my couch without her program. I don’t have to think about what I’m doing, and her workouts go by so fast!
@austins3991 I work full time. Three days per week I do heavy weightlifting - pick my daughter up from daycare and go right to the gym. The other two days I wake up at 530 and do cardio at home. Usually do a long walk one of the other days.

I gained 50lb with my first pregnancy so my
Motivation is to not do that again.
@austins3991 I work full time, but for the moment I still do 3 days WFH/2 days at the office. On the days I go to the office, I go there on my bike (around 20km/day). On WFH and off days I either do Get mom strong fitness program (3x a week) and/or go for a short run (20-30min).

That's the theory. In practice there are entire weeks I'm too tired and manage only the biking, or the strength training, once or twice.

And in September I'll be back full time at the office so I think running will have to go, strength training on weekends, and bike 5 days until I'm too big for it.
@austins3991 I starting following an online program before I got pregnant… the Valkyrie by Paul Carter. I’ve just stuck with that program. He does program 45 minute cardio sessions so I’ve often been shortening them to 30 or even 20 minutes. It’s a weight lifting program with only women which I love. It’s really helped keep me on track. It’s 4 days a week of lifting, then he’ll program cardio which is optional. I also work full time, am 20 weeks pregnant and have a 2 year old!
@austins3991 I don’t work but I’ve found that even if I tell myself to just pick a 10 minute prenatal workout on YouTube, I’ll end up most days doing an additional 20 minute one. YouTube has some good options for prenatal. Edit to add: I have littles at home so not much time for long workouts!
@austins3991 I work full time but only three days a week (12 hour shifts). I used to bike to work on those days but I work a pretty physical job (nursing) and honestly I’m just too exhausted lately. So those are my “off” days.

When I don’t work I either run or walk in the morning, and typically take a more leisurely stroll for a few miles in the afternoon. I’m trying to stay active but this is a huge decrease from what I was able to do pre-pregnancy and it’s very frustrating.
@austins3991 I work full time but luckily I’m currently remote. I’ve been having trouble staying asleep so when I get up early I go on a walk and then do 30 minutes of yoga. I’ll take other short walks throughout the day to hit my 10k steps. I’m also doing 10 minutes of light weights 2-3 times a week and until recently was still doing 30 min Peloton rides 2-3 times a week, but swinging in to 34 weeks the rides have gotten harder and harder!
@austins3991 I work full time. I run/walk (running about 3/4 of the time) 2.5 miles 5 days a week. I do weights (no more than 15lbs/arm) 5 days a week too. I also do prenatal yoga a couple times a week. I’m 21.5 weeks and it’s getting harder every day!
@austins3991 I work full time, but I work from home and set my own hours so I just squeeze in a workout whenever I want.

I strength train 4x a week (at home) and ride my peloton 2-3 days a week. At 34 weeks my bike rides are usually just 20 minutes and sitting in the saddle hurts by the end, but if I’m feeling good I’ll tack on an additional 5-20 minute ride.
@austins3991 I work full time, but I've been remote the entire time, and I have 7-hour work days with fairly flexible scheduling. I tend to workout before work in the morning (running, elliptical, weights) or take classes at the gym during my lunch break (weights, rowing, or spin).
@austins3991 I workout daily but I run my own business from home and only currently working part time. I would still do it if I was working full time tho I am naturally high energy and have an obsessive personality lol. For motivation you have to use what drives you. For me, I am older (age 39) with horrible metabolism and I knew if I didn’t stay on top of it this entire pregnancy I would gain way too much (my mom gained 70 with me) and I have a tiny frame and extra weight is painful on my bones and joints. I get really bad plantar fasciitis and I was worried the extra weight would inflame that as well. I also know that once baby is here I don’t want my focus to be on losing weight so I would rather focus on staying fit and gaining a healthy amount than trying to lose later when I am busier with the baby. Up until July I was walking 3-5 miles a day plus 30 minutes barre. Afterwards it was too hot so I do a 30 min pregnancy HIIT workout plus 30 minute barre. Now that I’m 36 weeks I’ve kinda hit my wall and only do one 30 min a day and maybe yoga at night. Just find workouts you like and take modifications and praise yourself for anything u can get done. I try to think of it more like alone time for myself or self care instead of a chore and it helps me stay motivated.
@austins3991 I do a peloton cycle 3 times a week and run, walk or strength train on the others. It definitely hard to run and do any jumping. My boobs are so heavy so running is a challenge! Do what you can! On the days when you’re tired just do a walk! Anything is better than nothing!
@austins3991 I work full time, have to leave my apartment no later than 8:15 to get to work on time. I also have a 2.5yr old at home. My workout time is from 7am-7:45am, then shower, and eat breakfast at work. Husband does the morning routine with kiddo while I get fit.

I do functional fitness, Street Parking to be exact. I do the program with dumbbells or SHIFT, and I modify for pregnancy, which for me means no running, no jumping rope, no hanging from a pull up bar, no sit ups, no plank position. Some days this means that my workout looks absolutely nothing like what was programmed for the day, and some days I can follow the program exactly.

My goal is to get my heart rate up and keep my strength with dumbbell lifts. Most days the warm up and workout together are under 30 minutes.

Street Parking's motto is "more than nothing" and I am of the mindset to "keep moving!" I want to have the best strength and stamina that I can going into labor.