For anyone in the 1st trimester worried that they’ll not going to be able to exercise at all in their pregnancy

@glory2jesus This is awesome and inspiring! I’m 18w1d and was just getting back into running long distance after an injury when I found out I was pregnant in May. My energy levels tanked so I stopped running, but I’ve been slowly getting back into it and ran 10 miles this week! Feels nice getting back into it. Keep it up!!
@glory2jesus I’m also a cyclist and have been wondering if it’s safe. Do you have any recommendations? It’s my favorite hobby so the last 9 weeks of not riding has been very tough! I’d love to get back on the saddle.
@bradhaddin With my first pregnancy, I stopped riding completely. I think there were 2 differences this time:

1) I realized that I didn’t lose my sense of balance with my first pregnancy (I’ve always walked into things and this didn’t get worse with my pregnancy!).
2) I have a trailer for my now-3 year old, and I’ve been taking her out in it, on city streets, since she was 12m. I figured that the one currently on the inside has more protection than the one on the outside, so I was going to try it.

I am also super lucky that the roads around me are great and have good, wide bike-lanes. I am more cautious as I know that I can’t necessarily bike my way out of difficult situations like I used to be able to (less strength, less fitness overall). I also make sure to take a protein bar out with me and i eat it while I’m out, to keep myself fueled.

I’d say to give it a try, listen to your body, and don’t beat yourself up on how far or fast you go. My early T2 rides were around 5 miles in 40 minutes - super, super slow - my goal was 4x per week. Now I’m doing 8-10 miles rides - today’s 10 miles was 55 minutes, so still slow, but faster than I was a couple of months ago!
@glory2jesus So if I'm reading this correctly, it looks like from late March to early June, you didn't ride at all (I'm assuming that was when first trimester fatigue/tiredness was at its worst), and then you were able to get back in the saddle? I'm in the throes of first trimester right now, so would love to see light at the end of the tunnel (though my main concern is making it through to the second trimester in general, as my first pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 10 weeks in April). If I'm reading this correctly, that is pretty inspiring and hopeful to us first trimester folks!
@nateharr Yep - that’s it exactly! I couldn’t do anything from 6 weeks to 12.5 weeks. I was nauseous the entire time and all I could do was eat carbs and sleep. Then it suddenly all lifted and I felt human again - literally overnight.
@nateharr Wondering the same thing. I can barely muster up a few 30 minute walks a week and make it to the Pilates studio for a modified routine twice a week...I’m just so fucking tired right now — but I dream of hour daily walks and lots of Pilates in T2. So this post gives me hope!
@maurie Yep! I couldn’t do anything other than eat carbs and sleep through my first trimester. It suddenly lifted at 12.5 weeks and I felt like myself again. I really do think that the first trimester is the hardest.
I couldn’t do anything other than eat carbs and sleep through my first trimester

This is so relatable, thank you for sharing! I'm an exercise fiend (running, yoga, and weights) but at 6+5 I feel like I pulled 3 all nighters in a row on an empty, nauseated stomach. I've been dragging myself out for walks or an occasional 30 minute yoga session for the last week but the fatigue is real. Can't wait to feel like myself again!
@glory2jesus I stopped running when I got pregnant bc I had gotten some bad advice about running while pregnant and now (6 mo PP) I wish I hadn’t! I miss it sooo much and I haven’t ran consistently since October and my anxiety is through the roof!
@karen70 With my first, I stopped biking completely and regretted it so much! I used to have biking dreams and I’d wake up so sad that I couldn’t ride. That was part of why I jumped right back on as soon as the first trimester exhaustion passed this time!