First Time Actually Baby Wearing Suggestions


New member
Help! I just had my second for my 2 u 2 and am looking for a carrier that I can use that is comfy for both baby and me for around the house and out and about! For reference I have a 3m old that is maaaybeee 15lb or slightly under so no need for a ginormous carrier. I also do not need a carrier that is able to adjust to them into adulthood lmao

In the past, I have tried: THE WRAPS (hate how they are not supportive and felt like baby would just slide down and the time it took to put on.) INFANTINO FLIP 4 IN 1 (wasn't a fan of the super structured feel of it - but I liked the easy baby clip in function) and I am now trying and not loving the JJ COLE LUMA PACKABLE CARRIER (back pain after wearing it for a while and straps are kind of awkward to adjust).

I am open to spending around $150ish give or take on a nice carrier. Would prefer feminine soft cute prints/solid colors since my second is a girl. Here is what I am looking at purchasing: Ergobaby Embrace and I have heard good things about HappyBaby but I am not a fan of the look of them. (I know HappyBaby is like a cult so don't come at me not liking it!! lol) I am still not 100% sold on the Embrace, so any and all advice/product suggestions appreciated!

A little about me how they would fit me fit wise: I am 5'2 and about 150lb. Let me know if you have any other questions in order to help me out!
@jacklong Did you try stretchy wraps or a woven wrap?

I am about your height and weight.

I've got an 11mo and as he was getting bigger, my faves have been:

Ergobaby embrace -- v. Comfy when they're little, pretty easy to bring places, I'm still using it when baby is just kinda fussy and wants to be snuggled.

A woven wrap -- best for naps. I like front cross carry best, easy to adjust. Baby felt secure for me in a woven wrap rather than a stretchy one. Learning curve though. Fast once you're used to it.

I have a boba Air and right now that's what I use for out and about because it folds into its own pouch and I can do both front and back carry.

I have an ergobaby omni 360 but I think that might be overkill. I use it for walks mostly, very structured, not as easy to pack.

Husband uses a tula free to grow and likes it a lot of you like those styles. I think I've used that once or twice, was fine to adjust for me we just dont want to change each other's adjustments once they're made.
@jojo2 It was stretchy ones! Is the embrace still easy to use/baby isn’t awkward in it at your babies age? A couple reviews I saw people said it’s pretty much only for newborns.
@jacklong I find it really easy to use still and not awkward at all. My baby isn't gigantic though, and he's at about 21lbs -- the limit is 25, so I'm keeping an eye on that. I haven't worn it for long periods of time in quite a while* but I don't notice anything uncomfortable about it or awkward, I can still tilt baby's hips, etc. I have used it recently for short periods.

If your baby is bigger then I can see it being more of an issue.
  • he doesn't have to be carried for naps anymore which has decreased my babywearing time
ETA: D'oh, I didn't say what carrier I was talking about! I meant the embrace.

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