How long of sleep stretches are you actually getting?

@victor2021 Oh gosh. Totally feel you. Thanks for sharing. I literally had that thought the other day. I’ve been so tired and negative and feeling like being a mom was stopping me from doing things but then I flipped it and said no it’s actually my freaking superpower. Im going to use this insane time and love for my child to drive me further in my goals and dreams!!! Power to you!!! ⚡⚡❤️❤️
@snowbunni We have what I call a challenging sleeper and I feel your pain through your post. We started cosleeping at 5 mo when she refused the crib. Sleep got much worse at 8 months and continued to get worse until 12 months. She was waking every 1-2 hours, often crying out, sometimes wouldn’t even nurse back to sleep and needed to be rocked. It really pushed me to my limits. Every two weeks or so she’d suddenly sleep decent (like 4-6 wakings instead of 8-9) for a couple days and then back to hourly wakings. It’s brutal. It started getting better at 14 months. She started sleeping 4-5 hr stretches at 16 months. She sometimes backtracks - teething, separation anxiety, who knows what… but it’s gradually, ina non linear way, getting better. She was a late walker and once she started walking we were able to take her out more to tire her out and that helped somewhat but often there’s nothing I can do or not do to change it. I just ride it out. Things will improve eventually. Hope you get some sleep soon!
@ranae Thanks for sharing. It’s so nice to hear from others that I’m not alone nor doing anything wrong. It just is what it is. It’s suuuuch a tease when they have those good nights cause you’re like is it over? Are we done? Are we sleeping better now? And you have hope. But I’m learning to alllllways expect lots of wakings and be pleasantly surprised if they sleep longer stretches versus morbidly disappointed they don’t 🤣 Good to know about the walking and getting energy out. I feel like he needs that too but he’s only 7 months so we got a ways to go until walking! 🤦🏼‍♀️
@snowbunni Ugh man I'm so glad to read this post. Mine is 6mo and not even breastfed! (had issues sadly) she is formula fed, I bedshare with her and its still so awful. She wakes constantly whining allll night long. Her pacifier and/or a bottle of milk don't always settle her! I refuse to get up and rock her during the night, I am just so so tired. And I have a toddler too!

I suspect she is teething. A girl I know also has a 6mo and posted her sleep-tracker app that her baby slept 12 hours straight with no wake ups... LOL I can barely get an hour!
@englishmuffin Oh man. Sending solidarity!! You’re not alone. Some people are blessed with good sleepers, some people sleep train and don’t respond to their babies cries at night. As cosleepers, we choose to respond and nurture our babies every call and sometimes we suffer in sleep but I’d still choose this. And ONE DAY they will sleep. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@snowbunni Commenting for solidarity too. 6 month LO, has been with the regression for 7 weeks now and I’m exhausted 😩 only settles with boob. At the beginning he woke up and didn’t make much noise but 3 weeks ago till now he gets frustrated and cries every time and tries to roll away 😕 I have never rocked him to sleep, he only wants one thing from me lol he takes some naps with dad in the carrier. He’s never liked the paci either.
He’s never been a good sleeper, oh well. If this lasts 10 weeks like in your case (before going down again), I only have 3 weeks left of this lol
@nowhereman I feel for you. Thanks for sharing. I wish there was something we could do but I’m just riding it out. Solidarity. It does help to know we’re not alone. Sending you patience and rest! X
@snowbunni Do you find that you’re not able to sleep through your LO feeding? Mine is bigger now but I have always slept through his feeding or only slightly roused. I definitely wasn’t getting deep sleep like pre baby but I still felt like a whole night of shallow sleep felt much better than fully waking up (if he had been in a separate bed). That’s what I found most appealing about co sleeping.
@christianheart1993 It’s definitely much better with cosleeping which is why we do it! Sometimes I stay drowsy while he’s feeding but lately he’s on there for 15-20 mins and I fully wake up 🫤 I’m a pretty light sleeper…guess that’s where he gets it from…too bad he’s not like his dad who can sleep through anything lol

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