Family traditions with an only?

@om4e My family made “discos” once a month. They made fancy drinks with umbrellas in them, set up a disco light and played music. We had to dress up a bit and then we had like 1 hour disco night on weekends. So much fun

We had songs for when we were brushing our teeth so we were sure they were brushed for 1 minute. The one brushing couldnt sing off course but it was a lot of fun

My mom had this thing where she would say a word and that meant that we had 5 seconds to run because she would run after us while making witch-noises and take her hands up like claws and we would scream and run up the stairs knowing she was JUST behind us, it was very stressfull but also a lot of fun

At summertime we did lemonade/cookies stand by our small street and sold the lemonade very cheap. The money that we earned with it was ours to spend. It was great because we got to connect a lot wity the neighbours

I dont know the name in english but we made fun little figures with play dough that would harden when put in the oven. We made magnets for the fridge with stuff we made. Loved that!
@om4e Every summer we pick a new camping site we haven’t been to before and go camping. My little is to young to pick up on it yet. They just love camping. But for my spouse and I, it’s been a fun way to get out more and travel while keeping it affordable. When little gets older, they’ll have a more active role in helping pick.

We also all go to a Renaissance Faire each summer. We go one day with the kiddo, and they get to pick what we do that day. Then we also have a separate day for just me and my spouse so we can enjoy it while the little stays at grandmas.

If someone is having a really bad day, it becomes game night. We all take a pause, pick a game, and have some fun together.
@om4e I don't even know if I can give any good tips, because traditions depend a lot on your interests and your life situation.

Our son is three years old.

When we go grocery shopping, I give him some money beforehand. He can buy something with it. He doesn't understand prices and the value of money, but I think that's a way to teach him.

We go to the library once a week, return books and borrow new ones. After that we spend some time in the very beautiful neighborhood of the library.

After I've cleaned the apartment (and he played alone in the time or "helped" me), we go to the playground every day. Either to one nearby or we'll take a walk and discover a new one. Exception is of course heavy rain or storm.

After breakfast we always make a pot of "juice". We started with lemon juice and mint leaves in water. Lemon slices, cucumber slices, blueberries, basil... have recently been added. He can be creative. I only intervene when he wants to throw something in the water that doesn't fit at all, like the leftovers from his sandwich. After we finished the "juice" we refill the pot with water. Like this we both drink more.

At Christmas we'll take the train to my family's house and stay overnight.

Every weekend we bake something.
@om4e The best we’ve got, which doesn’t fit your criteria, is “cinny sunday”. We were both raised Catholic but are athiest now, so we enjoy this silly little pun. We eat cinnamon rolls for breakfast only on Sundays.

Excited to read the other replies here!!
@om4e We’ve started all reading together at bed time and switching off pages between the three of us. We go camping twice a year at our favorite spot. Other than that all of our traditions revolve around food, lol.
@om4e We find our own traditions that’s what makes
Them our family traditions. Just go with the flow and if you find
Something fun do it every year
@om4e So we out up our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. We play oldie Christmas carols and have hot chocolate or apple cider and we decorate the tree. Honestly it is even better to me than Christmas.
@om4e Ours is 5 now, so we are starting to see a pattern in some of the things we’ve been doing that can probably be called a tradition at the point — we go to a rock festival in September, a corn maze/fall festival thing in October, dad cooks way too much food for thanksgiving and Xmas holidays even tho it’s only ever 3-4 people. We make xmas cookies together (great grandmas recipes). That’s a lot of fall/winter stuff :p in general, she likes to hike with us. My wife started storytelling while we walk, and she’s gotten really good at that!
@om4e We do matching PJs on Christmas Eve, host a friendsgiving as well as a Thanksgiving with just my in-laws at our house (started before kids but we're no longer in an apartment so they stopped bringing the turkey cooked!), and christmas cookie making. Halloween is BIG where we are so we basically celebrate that all month long - pumpkins, corn mazes, decorating, picking out costumes, etc.

For every day things, we do Taco Tuesdays with friends. My son and I do Mondays and Wednesdays as mom-son time at the playground and occasionally bump into other friends. Saturdays we get iced tea and croissants together before going to a scheduled activity (gymnastics, sports, it seems to change). Occasionally I'll surprise him with a cancelled meeting and bring him to school, grab breakfast on the way (my husband is usually the morning driver). EVERY night we read before bed. I do most of the reading but it's time to stop when my husband reads Goodnight Moon.
@om4e My mother would fill a stocking for me every year, as well as give me one present to open on Christmas Eve - this was largely due to the fact our other families were over getting all their gifts and they didn’t want me to feel left out.
@om4e Saturdays are our "family adventure" days. My husband and I have always liked just driving around and finding something or doing little day trips and now our kiddo gets to join in. It could be something as simple as going to the flea market and lunch or something like exploring a little town we come across. Some of our adventures this year have included the zoo, a daytrip to the Mothman Museum and Hillbilly Hotdog, and random car/tractor shows.
@om4e Such a great question! And also very fun, awesome replies! Definitely going to try some out!
We don’t really have traditions yet…but I’m really looking for something to make the weekend more special ( we often go somewhere with our 3,5 yr old but I was thinking something more structural) like have a special dish on Friday to start off the weekend, or playing board games when she gets older.. or maybe something like a Disney marathon…
We also go on walks together but it’s not really a tradition. I’m really inspired now to look for other small things that could make up great traditions…the kind where she will look back at when she’s an adult, with a smile and love filled heart :)
@om4e With our almost 5 year old at Christmas the gifts her father & I get for her all practical gifts (clothes, shoes, etc.) Are from Mommy and Daddy, all the "fun stuff" toys are all from Santa.