Ex let my children (7m, 9m) work on roof with her stepson and husband


New member
My ex had my two sons working on their roof the other night, removing shingles and scraping the stuff underneath off.

There was no safety equipment.

I am 100% not ok with this, in any way.

Not really sure what options I have in dealing with this, as she is very difficult to communicate with.

Edit: Ontario, Canada
Edit2: 7 and 9, male.
@happyheretic 7m and 9m, or years?

I'd go hard on teaching the kids about safety, and how to communicate not wanting to participate in an activity when they feel unsafe.

If there's more roofwork to be done you could offer to provide the safety equipment for the kids, or to keep the kids during the activity.
@happyheretic I completely understand the concern and fear- I’d be livid if my ex did this, but only because I know my ex. I’d also know there wasn’t much I could do about it and it would get worse if I raised hell.

I truthfully, 1000% get your fear and concern. It’s valid.

All that being said, the comments here are pointing out the reality that some people don’t see an issue, and if that ‘some people’ are one of the kids parents, well… they gave a decent solution to provide the safety equipment.

You have to let a lot go as a coparent. “You can only control what you can control” was a mindblowingly frustrating phrase thrown around here when I first joined. Most of the questions and answers here left me SO defeated when I’d read them. It was like reading a bunch of people supported child neglect/abuse/coercion.

Long story short, “you can only control what YOU can control” was what got me to healthy balance coparenting. I fought it but realized I was only hurting me, (and possibly my son), by freaking out over every careless incident. I am not saying you are, just sharing my experience.

It’s a tough, thankless journey being a good parent. You are doing great- I can tell just by your concern that you love those kids and want nothing but the best for them. I am so sorry you have to have to the worry. It’ll get easier as they age, you are almost there! Then you just have to worry about their own choices, not their idiot coparents 😂
@happyheretic Hard work os good for them....but... the big question protective equipment, hydration, and how old is the step son.. what is the grade of the roof ( light or steep angle) property tools.. is the step son responsible and who exactly is watching the kids? The problem here is very little to no supervision .. no way to react appropriately if an emergency takes place. I do semi dangerous things with boy but we are very cautious.. example woukd be we hiked up a hard trail approximately 6.5k above sea level.. you'd be right if you thought his Featherlite buty was tied off to me and we stopped every hour to rest and hydrate.. he always walked a little if front of me so I could check his movements etc.. its all about doing things thr right way.
@happyheretic Contact CAS.

Source? Also in Ontario. They absolutely will open an investigation on this, and they should.

They're opening a file about my ex letting my 11 year old drive unassisted and nobody was hurt but it could have resulted in injury and that's the issue.

ETA this is not about custody or changes in custody and they're EXTREMELY unlikely to do anything to change parenting time. They'll make sure she makes better decisions regarding safety, though.
@happyheretic Some of my fondest memories are roofing with my dad... Depending on the slope of the roof it's actually not as scary as it would seem. Shingles are quite grippy. I can definitely understand your concern, but I think it's also a good learning experience..