Ex-Husband vs the Rainbow

@catholics7777 He was overseas with the military. Can’t serve them while they’re deployed, but he sure was allowed to show up when I went to basic training and take the kids away from my parents, move them across state lines, and file an emergency custody change claiming I “abandoned them,” forcing me to deal with all of this from the comforts of basic training while still trying to focus on making it through. Courts in Mississippi are funny...
@bunny22 If when their hair gets long enough again they want it to be fun colors but not to get shaved, consider getting the temporary hair dye that comes out in one wash. It will reinforce to them that they can make their own decisions but also protect them from their piece of shit father's tactics.
@mcoop Yeah, we’ll be doing that. I might go get some to put in the hair before he picks them up again next weekend to start their summer break... I really hate him.
@yahunatan My ex would lose his shit if my boys painted their nails... but I’ve done C’s before. He wanted them blue and glow in the dark green. Why not?? I’d come up with all the ways to make him crazy, but I know he would just torture the kids for it.
@bunny22 I know this may seem like a stupid question but I’ve never had to deal with this kind of situation. Is there anything you can do to prevent him? It’s clearly a power play and the kids want it.
@katrina2017 Unfortunately, no. I wish there was though. The state where we filed for divorce/custody is big on “work it out yourself” which clearly isn’t working. Even if I took him back to court it wouldn’t change anything because he feels that because he’s an adult he should get to make all the decisions for the kids like they’re dolls and not people.
@bunny22 It sounds like he is doing his very best to ensure that your children have a long, successful, healthy, loving relationship with you, and stop talking to him the second they reach 18.
@bunny22 This reminds me of the time my stepdaughter's bio mom cut her waste long hair to her chin. The weekend before her dad and i got married. Because we were getting her hair done and that was her way of ruining it. SD was fucking 4. Try comforting a little girl who is the epidomy of a disney girly girl over the loss of her hair. I. Was. MURDEROUS.
@ajaye2014 What the actual fuck?? That’s such a horrible thing to do! I know it’s just hair and it grows back, but kids have some big feelings about their looks and it’s not fair to punish them like it. My ex is bald so I guess he thinks that it shouldn’t bother our boys to be as well, but IT DOES.
@bunny22 Oh, he knows and thats why he did it. It was cruel. It wasnt about the hair or the dye. It was about them having something with you. Doing something he didnt approve of. Distructive parents are just the worst.
@bunny22 This makes me so sad and angry. Your poor children. I’m sorry.

You sound like a great mom. Nothing he can do will change that or remove your positive influence from their lives.