@cyberrocky “Option 1: When healthy, and a consistent routine and environment are in place, you stay out until morning. This may result in 30-45 minute stretches of crying as they navigate this transition. This may take 2-3 days. (Remember, there will be some good nights and some not-so-good nights. Hang in there.)
Option 2: Set a goal of staying out 5 minutes longer than you can stand. Then soothe for 1-2 minutes, three times, and feed after the third time. You can increase the time you stay out every 3-5 nights. You get to choose what is within your comfort level. This may take 2-3 weeks. Remember, this process can take up to 3 nights and in that time this child will learn how to sleep in his/ her own crib.
It is also time to get off the 24-hour digestion train. Their GI system is ready for a nice, long rest. We will drop any lingering, middle of the night feedings. They will increase their intake during the day. They will not starve. They will get what they need incrementally during the day.”
— Moms on Call | Basic Baby Care 3-6 Months
Soooo I’m supposed to let my literal three month old cry for 30-45 min stretches throughout the night and take away her food just so I can sleep longer?
This isn’t an army bootcamp or college class for adults. This is someone who has been alive for THREE MONTHS and is still learning to navigate their environment and hey - may still be hungry in the middle of the night because their stomach is tiny especially if they are getting breast milk.
I love schedules and I want to give my child structure if or when that is needed but this just doesn’t make sense to me.