What time does your 1 year old go to sleep and wake up?

@logansc 14.5 months. She's finally on one nap, so she wakes between 7:15-7:30, naps 12-2:30ish, bed 7:45-8:00.

When we were doing 2 naps last week, she was waking 7:15, falling asleep at night closer to 9pm (hence why we dropped the nap, it was becoming more difficult putting her down for the second and bedtime was getting pushed later).
@logansc mine is nearly 16 months- this is going to be an unconventional answer but he’s a complete night owl. i’ve tried multiple times to reset his sleep schedule. he’s usually in bed somewhere between 12-1 am and awake around 10:30 am😭
@logansc My 2 kids have been like this. Ugh. My husband works over night so it seems like they wait until he leaves to go to sleep :( they fall asleep 15 minutes after he leaves :(

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