Does sleep training equal inconsolable days?

4mo sleep regression hit us HARD. I’m on night 3 of Taking Cara Babies for my 5month old. He’s actually doing really well on it. The first night he had 3 wakings, and last night he only woke up once at 4am! Tonight, I didn’t need to pop in at all for bedtime.

Has anyone noticed the daytimes becoming worse? This baby is C R A N K Y. Like inconsolable if me or daddy isn’t holding or touching him. His naps have always been around 30 min, unless he’s laying on us, but I watch wake windows and make sure he still gets 2.5-3 hours of daytime sleep. I plan on working on naps after night sleep is perfected.

Anyone else experienced this? Is it a developmental/age thing or a cause of the sleep training? He has always had a very easy going temperament up until recently.
@fromdarknesstolight If he’s super cranky in the day, do you think the issue may be that he’s getting tired?

I understand some people want to work on that separately from nights, but with both of my sons I found it was best to work on both at the same time, and they were able to use the self soothing skills developed at night to help during naps. They also started taking longer naps almost right away, and are in much better moods throughout the day as a result.

While it is true that naps use a different part of the brain than night sleep and take longer to develop, because they depend on Sleep pressure instead of melatonin production, I have found that getting them used to the same sleep environment and carefully following week windows as you would for night time sleep is a big help and naps and it seems less confusing to just start at all at the same time.
@fromdarknesstolight I don't know if this plays a roll. But we were told night sleep consolidates first, then naps. Then you see a regression in night sleep and then naps. Then It all comes together. So maybe you're seeing some daytime regression? Or are naps still the same?