Does anyone have any subchorionic haematoma stories with a happy ending?

@iamfree67 I had one. I think if your doc didnt say you needed to be on pelvic rest or voice any concerns like that, then it is likely going to resolve on its own. Mine did by my 13 week ultrasound. And now I have a perfectly healthy 4 week old. I know it is easy to stress about, but I think these are pretty common.
@iamfree67 Major bleeding from SCH from week 5-11ish and then it went away without a single bleeding episode since. Apparently it’s common in first trimester and nothing to worry about. I was put on pelvic rest during the bleeding period which may have helped it resolve on its own. 🙏

Currently 27weeks and all is good!
@iamfree67 At 10w1d I had what I can only describe as an hemorrhage. Out of nowhere gushing bright red blood: soaked a post partum pad in less than an hour. Arrived to the ER drenched in blood.

Bled on and off for 5 weeks then only brown blood for another 3 before the SCH fully disappeared.

Im now 29 weeks with a healthy baby boy measuring ahead
@iamfree67 Very happy ending here! My wife had two SCHs in the first trimester with intense bleeding, clots, and cramping that lasted WEEKS. The ER doctor told us she was likely having a miscarriage and once we had an ultrasound they changed it to "threatened miscarriage." We were terrified, but our doctors seemed largely unconcerned especially as the second trimester was coming to an end. Our ten month old is here and magical :)
@iamfree67 Yes! Huge bleed at 5 and 6 weeks. Bright red and lots of clots. I convinced myself it was another miscarriage. Then spotted until about week 10. He's sleeping in his room now.
@iamfree67 Absolutely a positive story here, although in my case I didn't have any bleeding.

I went to the ER for a slip down some icy stairs at 10w. An ultrasound showed my healthy baby but also a small SCH (likely had nothing to do with the slip, just a coincidence we found it then). Although my SCH was small, I was also told it gave me a 50% chance of miscarriage in the first tri! I'm usually super anxious because of past losses, but somehow I just didn't believe that.

My midwife set me up for a diagnostic ultrasound a week and a half later, and the SCH had already reabsorbed. I never bled or spotted and I'm 16w now. A lot of times they just go away on their own! Sending you good thoughts that yours will resolve quickly and safely💗
@iamfree67 Had spotting at 5 and 6 weeks. Big bleeds at 18 weeks and 28 weeks (both resulting in emergency hospital visits - no interventions needed but at the 28 week one I was kept overnight for observation in case I went into early labour as apparently bleeding that late can trigger contractions). She's 2 now.

I basically spent the whole pregnancy thinking I would lose her so I really do know the feeling and it sucks. One day at a time.