Does anyone feel that twins is just a setup to fail?

@balancedworld Are twins really this hard! 😫 I am currently pregnant with twins and at first it was very hard for me to accept it. I was terrified and it honestly made me very depressed the first few weeks of knowing. I cried every day… I see these kind of post pop up of other mommas trying to get through the stages of twins and it’s worrying me! I hope I can do it.. I currently have a 2 year old who is wild as can be and I remember how overwhelming it was at times when she was a newborn. And I try not to think about it but I can’t imagine two!
@oncelostnowfound I think it truly depends on your support system. some of us have a village, some of us ARE the village. you’ll really know who is in your village once your babies are here.
@balancedworld I totally get this. My girls are almost 2 months. I feel so much guilt that I can't comfort both at once. I have one with colic, and making the other one wait for a bottle or a diaper change kills me. People without twins cannot understand how hard it is emotionally to not be able to meet the needs of one because you're caring for the other.
@balancedworld It really isn’t any different than caring for multiple children. Because twins will never be exactly alike. They will have different personalities. I recommend you seek some therapy to help you with your feelings!
@balancedworld We have a set of twins and two singletons, so four total. Not much you can do, having more than one child always feels like that. Our twins are also 21 months old, it’s just a tough time. Ours constantly fight for attention but the others (4yrs and 15yrs) do exactly the same! lol you can never win!
@balancedworld I think the biggest struggle is them needing the same thing at the same time. I have a daughter 20 months older than my twins and honestly, she was a much more difficult baby even than them combined, but she now needs different things than them. They both want and need the same type of attention almost always at the same time and that's what makes me feel like I'm failing but what I want you to know, is they just see you. They don't see you failing they see thier comfort and their safety. Mine are to be 2 in July and while they can't communicate as well as my daughter you can see they love us as much as she does. They don't see how hard we are on ourselves and that helps me put it in perspective. When they are older and you get to hear the I love you so much! And the hugs that melt into you you'll feel so much more like you're doing it right more than not. Give yourself so much grace it's HARD and the stages you've gotten through so far have been just varying degrees of difficult but more joy than not is coming.
@balancedworld Twins are hard and amazing. The universe thought you were the right person for the job. Talk to your doctor and see if medication might help. Also, think of all the grandkids!
@balancedworld I thought like that at one point but now seeing how amazing my kids are, I did good. My twins are now 19 and almost 18, they are strong and independent, they are well adjusted despite my always thinking I screwed up somewhere along the way.
@balancedworld I definitely get the constant feeling of being overwhelmed and I occasionally get the feeling of thinking things would be easier if I just had one.

But then I try to REALLY think about it. Having only one would mean I would only have one…..

I can’t actually imagine not having both of them. I love both of them and they have such different personalities and essences and I couldn’t imagine not knowing both.
@balancedworld Yes. All the time. I can’t help but unproductively imagine how much easier my life would be with one. And then I get more guilt setting in that I’m thinking about it that way. I sometimes wonder why I was chosen for this by God/nature/universe.