Does anyone else’s kid survive on snacks and snacks only?

@totocaca22 Yep, mine ate literally everything - bean soup, sushi, any curry, whatever - until he hit age 2 and started with the boundary pushing. We’re just staying the course. Offering whatever is actually for dinner for like 10 minutes, and then pouches or snacks to fill out his diet since he’s medically underweight. Solidarity!
@ruanddrew We had to do a week-long snack cleanse over the summer. She was offered absolutely no snacks or fruit. She only got “real” foods and any leftovers were later offered at snack time. She’s still picky but it did help. I also do a lot “bite for a bite” at dinner usually with fruit and it’s pretty effective for us.
@ruanddrew My 27mo is a mono mealer. She will really only want to eat one food for a day or days on end. A week ago it was waffles today it was very green bananas that she still insisted on lol.
@ruanddrew Mine is hit or miss on eating good meals and snacking. She'll eat chicken nuggets one day and want cereal the next. She's all over the place with eating both quantity and types of food. She also eats lemon wedges as a snack sometimes if we have them and she sees them. 🤦🤷

I'm hoping getting veneers on her teeth will help with any sensitivity from the chipped front tooth and the decay spots on her front teeth. 😬
@ruanddrew Yeah, it's a fight to convince him to eat anything other than protein/granola bars or fruit. For some reason a little switch flipped in his head and his love for vegies and every food on his plate was just gone. Need to go grocery shopping tomorrow, hopefully I can find some form of vegetables he might eat. He won't even eat pancakes.
@ruanddrew My 4yr old survives on garlic bread and macaroni and cheese while my 2yr old only eats beef and crackers for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They will eat every kind of chip if I let them and my 2yr old will rather try any non edible thing besides what I offer him. At least my 4yr old will try it but he lies and tells me its delicious and won't finish it. They used to eat a full spread of breakfast foods, pizza, spaghetti, fruits; so worried for when its time to send them to school. Plus the pediasure probably isn't helping, my 2yr is addicted to that stuff.
@ruanddrew I wanted to give you advice but if the kid eats in school it is different because I do it like that myself :p.

They say kids do eat normal food when they see other kids do.
@ruanddrew Yup! She was literally surviving off the yogurt pouches. Now it’s getting a bit better.
We got her a little lunch box with compartments and that seems to make her excited to eat.
@ruanddrew Mine's a grazer. I try not to give in too much for the sake of his teeth.

He is being assessed for ADHD/autism and from what I've read part of that, unfortunately, is he tends to fixate on one type of food. As I used to.

At the moment, it's ham (which worries me
because it's a carcinogen). At school, he only eats jacket potato, cheese and beans.

I make sure he has his vitamin every single day. I put other things in front of him to keep trying but that's all I can do.
@ruanddrew Yes my 4 year old could eat nuggets and cereal and nothing else if I let her, I’m lucky her one fav dish is tacos, so I’m able to load it with as much grated veg I can hide. My 2 year old she eats fruit which is good but her current fav thing is boiled eggs hahaha