Do you think she's hungry? (Rant)

@sadmomga HAHA YES! Reading through this thread made me glad I'm not the only one but holy shit some of these comments just make my blood boil reminding me of times it was me feeling the same way (especially all the MIL comments).

Just last week I was thinking if I've become a bitch as a mom but it makes sense with all these triggers!
@luv100 Or the opposite. My son wanted to nurse basically non-stop. Without fail, someone (my mom, my grandma, my husband, my sister, whoever) would comment: "didn't he JUST eat?" Yes. But putting a boob in his mouth makes the crying stop, so I'm just going to do that.
@luv100 this! yesterday my 2 yo is freaking out and my husband says i bet he’s thirsty he needs a drink, while stepping over the cup of liquid my son has to drink. thank you for your expert opinion captain oblivious!
@luv100 GOD. my son just turned 8 months old and everyone still fucking does this. I swear I could be IN THE PROCESS of feeding him and they’ll be like “is he hungry?” Like wtf
@luv100 I don’t have people say the hungry thing. It’s always “does he have to burp?!” My mother and my MIL do it and it drives me up a wall. Because they say that they didn’t hear him burp after I fed him... because they’re no where near us when we nurse. 🙄
@mobilep4udirect Yesterday we had guests over for dinner that I hadn't met yet. I had just finished feeding my baby and was about to sit him up and burp him. Our guest was sitting next to me on the couch and as soon as he was done eating he started fussing (it was his bedtime) and she starts asking "oh does he need to burp? I bet he needs to burp." Then without saying anything else she TAKES HIM FROM ME to burp him... like... um... thanks...
@luv100 Oh mamas I totally get this! If I learned anything over the past 7 weeks with my little one is not to look at the clock to figure out if he’s hungry. Look at the baby. Our “test” is gently touching the corner of his mouth with a knuckle, if he roots towards your hand, he’s hungry. We also studied the different hunger cues and used them a lot when first learning about the little guy.
I remember being sooo frustrated too...and I still get that way not as much though. It got better once I just accepted the fact that my body/boobs were completely just surrendered to this little human as a dairy cow. Once you accept it, which is easier to do when you know it’s not permanent, somehow it’s easier.
Good luck mom. Pump some milk and make hubby give a bottle when he’s hungry at an interval less than 3-4 hrs so you can sleep a little. Wish I did that more.
I still kind of hate seeing my husband walking in the room holding the crying baby looking just so ready to dump him on me saying “he’s really hungry”, like it’s my problem. You’re frustration is at least 80% due to sleep deprivation.
@timhsu_ca Your last sentence is spot on! Lol I'm mostly just sleep deprived. She is my second so I thankfully have a few tricks of my own up my sleeve, but the newborn stage is just crazy. It kind of stinks feeling like I never really make her happy. I just make her not-mad.
@timhsu_ca When you say you studyed about hunger cues, would you share any books, websites, etc. You used? I heard about this a while back but didn't know where to find the info. Thanks!
@luv100 Yes! My husband has evolved from asking if baby is hungry to asking when he ate last and it still just pisses me off, as if I don’t obsess over how much and how often the baby eats. I just always say “I haven’t fed him since yesterday” and shrug.

And then after I feed the baby (who sometimes just wants to comfort nurse) I get the same “see I knew he was hungry” that you’re so familiar with.

I have an eternal eye roll right now.

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