How do people want more than one?? This is a rant/vent

@1an I also don’t know how I’d manage to look after a toddler with a newborn because I also do the chores while he naps and I like the alone time also. I know with two I’d have zero alone time. The thought of two is nice but I don’t think the reality of two would be lol maybe if we had a nanny or grandparents that came over all time!
@alexd97 I have no clue, just yesterday my 6 month old broke the sound barrier for nearly an hour before finally calming down. And my sister with 4 kids is like “i guess ill take a break before having another” girl HUH?
@alexd97 I don’t know how most people do most things. I’m autistic af and so is my kid. We are both too much and neither one of us would do well with more children around.
@alexd97 We have minimal support and my wife works nights while I work days. I always wanted 2 but after this newborn phase and our offset schedules, I would never do this shit again lol. It would take a lot of convincing and her switching back to days for me to even consider it. Having one of our parents retire and be willing to help wouldn't hurt but now I'm dreaming 🤣🤣

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