Do you consider it "taboo" for a boy to see the diaper changing of his baby sister?

@knorvy10 You sad it yourself. It's harmful sexualizing things that aren't sexual and makes a taboo out of sex. It basically leads to the adverse it aims to accomplish. So the answer is no it isn't shouldn't and mustn't be taboo
@knorvy10 It's just a double standard - his baby sister had no concept of privacy, nor should she. There's nothing shameful about being naked, much less for a baby but really for anyone, except that some patriarchal cultural systems tell women to hide their bodies.

That said, I wouldn't be too hard on him because the sexualization of females (regardless of age) and the commodification of the female body are likely entrenched in his psyche from years of conditioning, and that means he very likely does think of every vuvla as sexual and/or shameful, and may in fact think girls (and women) have a vested interest in concealing themselves (for modesty and to keep themselves safe). He may not realize that view is unnatural, and just an offshoot of social constructs around gender identity and sexuality.

The bad news is that changing that framework takes volition and effort over time, so unless he acknowledges the problem and starts to work on realigning his views you will likely have to navigate around it. If he does take a pause and consider the destructive consequences of his views, it could take years to adjust them but it will be worth it imo.
@knorvy10 Not at all. There is nothing sexual or weird about changing a babies diaper with other little ones around . When a child is old enough to shower and change with minimal assistance you can start to worry about this kind of thing.

I mean there are bathtime pics of my brother and I in the same tub when we were 3 and 4. during family outings to the pool my aunt used to have us all change in the same stall until we were old enough to do it on our own.we never thought twice about it. We are all within 1 or 2 years of age. Basically when you're under the age of 5/6 this kind of stuff isn't a big deal. You're not old enough to think about this kind of stuff in an adult way. Maybe questions will come up about why genitals are different. You can just say, "Most girls have a vagina and most boys have a penis".

Its a little odd that his mom made it awkward. Maybe she has had some kind of trauma or has some extreme hangup with nudity?
@knorvy10 Nope, although my oldest (5f) doesn't like it when her brother (2m) is out and about without a diaper lol. She says "I don't wanna look at his weiner, can you please put a diaper on him"
@knorvy10 This seems to be a more cultural type of thing. I had a friend who's husband didn't think the boys should be in when changing the girls but had been told that men who change their daughter's diapers were sick so he had her or when she was gone had his sister come to change the baby girl. Later he set a rule that once boys were toilet trained the father is the one to help dress or bathe, not mom. It was how it was in his family. It took going to a parenting class and finding out that unless he was thinking he would do something to them, it was fine as well as got to know many other dads that changed their daughters diapers and even gave baby baths. As for brother watching baby getting a diaper change, privacy may be a thing if say she was 9 or 10 and brother was a teenager. It may be a good idea for him to talk to other dads and see what is more acceptable nowadays.
@knorvy10 I actively encouraged my older child to participate in helping change and care for his younger sibling.

People have this gross habit of sexualizing children, likely as a result of widespread cultural trauma regarding sex in Western societies.
@knorvy10 You know, my husband has the same weirdness with our 6 year old daughter seeing our son get his diaper changed, and I told him to knock it off. Because I was teaching her the correct vocabulary for male genitalia and was in the middle of a diaper change when she informed me that her infant brother was not the only penis she’d seen at 4 years old, our foster son, her older half brother, had been molesting her. Normalising our bodies helps little children understand the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. She won’t bat an eye if mom runs around the house in her underwear or if dad comes out looking for clothes in his towel or if she sees women changing in a locker room or sees her brother’s behind as he zooms away from a diaper. But she hit the neighbour boy and ran to get me when he dropped trow and tried to get her to touch him. There is nothing wrong with bodies, and it’s teaching them about what’s appropriate and when that is important. She knows that her top is supposed to stay on when we’re out and about. She also knows that if her hair gets caught in the buttons on her shirt, I’m not going to be upset she came out of the room partially undressed. And I’ve found diaper changes to be a good segue into that whole conversation.
@knorvy10 Kids dont know what sex or sexualization is until they’re taught. If you teach ur son that his baby sister is a sexual being he will see her that way. When I was a child I would bathe with my siblings and mother- we’d look at each other bodies out of curiosity of what is that? But never sexual. Very strange to even consider his baby sister diaper change can be viewed as sexual… maybe they are viewing it as “don’t watch someone use the bathroom”…

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