Do you consider it "taboo" for a boy to see the diaper changing of his baby sister?

@1011 Ha! I'm an idiot. I originally read this as you had a 9 month old, a 6 month old, and a girl less than a year old. My brain was very confused while I tried to process what I was reading lol
@knorvy10 I think it’s just a generational difference. No reason to go back and criticise what his mum did, but looking forward can you agree that for your kids it’s fine for them to see each other naked. “Times have changed” is an easy not judgemental catch all!
@knorvy10 Your daughter is a baby and will not care. Imo the social graces surrounding nudity really only start affecting kids around the time they are old enough to go into preschool/kindergarten. I think your husband is being oversensitive.
@knorvy10 It really depends on the age of what his parents were when he remembers this. Along with his age. My daughter changed my boys diapers. She wanted to help with the babies. But my grandparents would get upset about not only her helping but her even being in the room. Different generations were raised at different "standards " as to what is acceptable and what isnt. My paternal grandfather and biological father never changed my diaper bc they thought it was inappropriate for a male to see a female who they werent married to. But my step dad had me run around the house butt naked potty training me and would even wipe my butt and give me baths bc "it's just a kid needing cleaned". Just depends on how they were raised really.
@knorvy10 I find it so odd when people sexualize something like changing a diaper. I’ve known men who would let their daughters sit in dirty diapers until their mothers came home to change them rather than change them because they’re girls and it’s mad weird. Your husband is simply wrong but it doesn’t seem to be his fault.
@jesser The conversation is not about fathers changing diapers. Dads should be a trusted individual that changes his child’s diaper for boys and girls unless he has some sinister things he’s done in his past. This conversation is about older siblings. And while I wish changing diapers was not sexualized unfortunately there are children who have been SA’d during a diaper change or SA’d by someone that was trusted to change their diapers. It happens and because it does parents have to be cautious even of older siblings because yes there are stories of older siblings SAing younger siblings. Again I hate that it happens but since it does happen we have to put precautions in place to prevent happening from our children.
@knorvy10 Nah. I might turn my daughter away so her head is towards someone so she’s less on display but I change her around any guest.

As a you girl my aunt would bath me and my male cousin together WITH OUR UNDERWEAR ON. Even at 3-4-5 I thought it was weird. It made me feel ashamed in a way. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@knorvy10 Nope. My son brought the diaper and the wipes to me. Helps for the blowouts especially. We’re family and making privates a big secret is just going to make it more exciting later. We’ve discussed that when you’re able to go to the bathroom by yourself you need privacy, but with a baby who needs help or may be “free” because of a rash.

Everyone has a body, and understanding the world (at an age appropriate level) is important.
@knorvy10 I work at a daycare center and the children at the center I work with see each other on the diaper table and on the potty. When they’re four they’re supposed to close the door when they go potty but they often don’t. So from months old to four all the kids see everything.
@knorvy10 Parts are parts.

Genitals aren't anything to be ashamed of. If I had a son, I would teach him to change a baby diaper (of any gender) just as I would teach my daughter. That includes teaching them not to be weird and shameful about genitals, and how to be respectful of your own and someone else's. In this context, teaching them the steps they would take to change the diaper and at some point letting them practice the skill first hand. Taking care of others and ourselves is a part of human life. Babies are a part of human life. Genitals are a part of human life. Having the skills to handle the sanitation of our bodily wastes is required for a healthy life. Doing it for another human who cant, or even a pet, is a great way to learn how important it is. Regardless of the soiled diaper baby's gender.

I feel that diaper changes should be relatively private and not a show, but a respectful poop-duty student or two is okay (regardless of the student or babys gender).
@knorvy10 I don't. I think it can promote body positivity, the differences between boys and girls et. Hiding it makes kids go around you later. I want to be involved in these discussions. Who, when and why in regards to private parts.