Do you consider it "taboo" for a boy to see the diaper changing of his baby sister?

@k2larry It came to us after i caught him trying to undress her for a bath (he'd turned the hot tap on only), he was so lovely and helpful with her though but safety first
@hb1431 Haha yea, he's 14 now and 6ft but still a little angel and still loves babies just as much haha. I'm definitely glad I decided to check on her (I had put her down for a nap)
@knorvy10 My 3yo walks over during baby sisters diaper change. “Where’s her penis?” “She doesn’t have one cause she’s a girl.” “Oh so that’s her vulva?” “Yep.” (3yo loses interest and walks away)
@stanilovesgod I'm British and to be fair 'willy' was what I was taught as a child. Penis and vagina are very formal to me but while I think willy is fairly unambiguous there are so many strange names for the vagina I'd rather just be clear on what is being talked about.
@stanilovesgod My 3yo asked if his baby sister had pooped out of her “front butt or her back butt”. Took me a minute to realize he’d assumed that she had a butt in the front too when he has seen me change her diaper.
@stanilovesgod Like, is this really that fucking hard? Maybe it's because I (male) am in Healthcare but this feels like the only logical and intelligent approach to me. Let's just talk about it (the human body) matter of factually and move on. Its really that easy. Children don't sexualise each other or think like that in any way shape or form so why in the world would an adult then project those thoughts onto them. Its absolutely disgusting.
@knorvy10 I can appreciate that it’s more about privacy than to sexualize it, but my kids bathe together, so I’m not really on board. They know their privates are their own, and no one is allowed to touch them, but being seen naked isn’t an issue in my house quite yet.
@peacefulways But a baby doesn't, so that's not an excuse either. Most toddlers/little kids can be naked around ANYONE without thinking about it. I think shame is something we learn at some point of our lives. I've told my daughter and baby sister (both are 4) that no one should touch them, and they shouldn't touch anyone and (at some extent) they understand. But regarding nudeness, they don't give a damn
@knorvy10 How does he think going to a public bathroom when having two small kids works? Or going swimming? Or changing at home? Breastfeeding? Giving siblings baths? It's not really possible to always have another adult around to look after a second kid and it's not only healthy for kids to learn about bodies and not being shamed for them but it's also much more dangerous to leave small children in other rooms while having their sibling around with no clothes on or while being naked/partly naked as an adult.
I'm really curious how your MIL managed that and I feel sorry for her kids.
@coltonclark How do he think preesschool works. I've seen pictures of the boys and I sittning on our potties together. I guess the might have chansen the nappies of the children Who still used them at the same time. In primary school we went to a pool with like 3-4 dm of water and swam in our undies at age 8 noone cared about beeing topless.
@agadfly Yeah, I think those things do depend on the country and the time too though. When I was in kindergarten we all went through the sprinklers naked and kids used to run around naked at the pool until they were like eight or so. I don't think people in the US for example let their kids do that in public.
@knorvy10 No issue at all. I showered with my siblings till my oldest brother was maybe 10?

I did however cover my sons privates when I changed him in public toilets where other adults were.

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