Did your baby’s poops get better after a while on Kendamil?


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Hi everyone! I recently switched my 12w/o son (8 w/o corrected) to Kendamil after finishing three months on Similac 360 RTF (RTF was at the recommendation of the pediatrician for 3 months since he was a preemie).

He’s had the Kendamil for two days now and loves it! But, he has had yellow, seedy, STINKY blowouts on it. He’s always been a gassy baby so that’s nothing new, and I’d rather he keeps passing the gas and getting it out. He’s a happy and playful little guy and doesn’t seem to care, but he did get poop all over himself and my lap this morning. Did anyone’s babies improve on Kendamil over time? I know Kendamil poops are notoriously messy and smelly. I’m not sure if I’d change back to Similac since he doesn’t seem bothered and loves the taste, but I’d like to get some insight!

Edit: Thank you for the input everyone! Sounds like we’re just going to have some stinky messy poops, but little guy is happier than ever so I’ll take it! ❤️
@alb1erto1 I don’t have much personal experience with Kendamil but I’ve heard a lot of people say that Kendamil poops are more similar to breastmilk poops in that they’re a lot looser and yellow and seedy and unfortunately more prone to blowouts, but it’s not necessarily anything to worry about as long as baby is regular and not showing discomfort.
@longfellow They definitely remind me of the breastmilk poops he had for like, the four days he got breast milk. He’s totally unbothered so I’ll consider the regular poops a win!
@alb1erto1 Poop is still yellow and loose for my guy on kendamil but not painful for him. He’s a happy baby. So I feel it’s just part of having a baby. The first week or so he was having a lot, but now we’re just once a day.
@massa Yeah, even with as messy as the poops are my little guy is a still a “one poop per day” baby, and it’s usually as soon as he wakes up. I guess as long as he’s happy I can embrace the messy poops!
@alb1erto1 I thought it was just my LO that this happened to! Switched her to Kendamil about 6 weeks ago when she was almost 6 months old as we moved countries. She had SO many explosive poos - every single morning she’d blow out of her nappy for weeks - I have been constantly soaking her clothes to try get the stains out. She’s so happy drinking it though, and I don’t want to try another formula and go through another transition. I think if they’re happy and you can manage the washing then stick to it. My LO has recently started solids and that’s made a bit of a difference as she is having more solid poos and it is making things easier. Oh and we also went up a nappy size early to try contain the blow outs!
@alb1erto1 One of my twins had constipation with similar 360 - I hate the smell of kandamil vomit and poop but my constipated baby is no longer constipated! ❤️
@tehila My little guy was semi constipated on Similac as well! Which is to say he had softer poops, but sometimes it took him about 3 days to go. He has terrible infant dyschezia so some of it is just dramatics on his end, but I’m happy to have him going every day even if it’s messy and stinky!
@alb1erto1 Ugh no I switched to something else after a few weeks because I couldn’t handle the poops. Literally every single poop exploded out of his diaper and the laundry started driving me batty.
@natarajanam My little guy is tough to gauge because he has terrible infant dyschezia so every fart and poop is a huge dramatic affair (lol). With Similac he was only pooping every 2-3 days even though it was soft, with Kendamil its every morning so I’m happy he’s at least getting it out on a more regular basis!
@paramedic84 US organic version! He seems to like it I just worry about dehydration in the future with these runny blowouts. But judging by other posters it seems pretty normal and my little guy is definitely happy with the formula!