Did you really wait 6 weeks postpartum to resume exercise?


New member
I’m 3 weeks postpartum. I’ve been adhering to guidelines to rest, with a few very slow treadmill walks (15-20 min in duration, at 2-3mph) and some light stretches that I’ve seen Instagram influencers recommend for 2-3 weeks postpartum.

I have a 2nd degree tear so I’m not looking to go crazy with the workout yet, but looking to get a sense of whether you all adhered to not working out for 6 weeks or started to resume your workouts before then.
@felicitys Yes. Too much too soon can impede your long term recovery. There’s a lot of free content with basic core awareness- I Iiked Brianna Battle’s version. If you need something more start there
@bymy45 Absolutely and I’m not trying to overdo it or push the intensity. Just curious as to whether other fit ladies truly sat on their butts for 6 wks or if they started to do more sooner
@felicitys I tried 30-40 minute walks at 2.5 weeks and reinjured my pelvic floor after a few days of that. I felt perfectly fine and was itching to move, truly didn’t think I was overdoing it until I woke up the next morning feeling like I’d just given birth again.

Absolutely wait six weeks, better yet—see a pelvic floor therapist too. Everything is fine until it’s not.
@felicitys Ok I interpret “working out” as pushing intensity - my doctor told me “walks and gentle stretching”- I’d stay in that range. The basic movements in core rehab fall under stretching/breathing initially, no real muscle effort involved
@leggdj i didnt wait enough with first, started swimming at 4.5 weeks cuz i thought swimming was “gentle”, but 20 laps isnt gentle. going to wait this time. just pelvic tilts, breathing,etc
@felicitys No sorry, with my second I started doing workouts 3-4 weeks postpartum instead of waiting because I felt healed. But my insides weren’t healed 😂 which resulted in pelvic floor problems
@leggdj Finally a useful comment, everyone is like 'I waited and had no problems' which is great, but doesn't really provide any data on what happens if you don't wait.
@felicitys This is why I can’t stand influencers.

Absolutely wait; despite “feeling” like I could do things 2-4 weeks PP - I simply didn’t exert myself. The most I did was take some short walks with the baby.

It was, and is, the longest break from physical exercise I’ve had in three years but you need it. I had no tears, traditional delivery. Still waited
@oldasdirt The ones who’ve popped up in my feed haven’t suggested anything extreme - some deep breaths, a few gentle windshield wipering of your legs while lying down, some neck/back stretches to counter all the sitting… stuff like that.
@felicitys I second @drmaehughes! I love her c-section core work. My pelvic floor PT was super happy with the light work I did through the IG reels to get me ready for returning to exercise.
@felicitys Absolutely yes. I did not want to cause long-term negative impacts to my pelvic floor. When I returned to exercise it was with guidance from a pelvic floor physical therapist, which I was for to Nate to have covered by insurance.
@felicitys Even if you feel OK, you are not as healed as you think you are. Stick to the walking for another few weeks.

From what I've read, if you try and do too much too soon, you can cause Diastasis Recti and basically have the ab muscles seperate. Which will harm your fitness goals much more in the long run.