Did y’all take breaks during pregnancy?


New member
And if so, do we think there’s a risk when you start back up?

I’m at 35 weeks currently, pre-preg I worked out 3-4 x a week lifting + cardio.

During pregnancy it’s been on and off due to fatigue and moving into a new house, but I’ve made sure to go 1-2 x a week.

However I’ve taken 3 weeks off and past 2 days I’ve been in the gym and am insanely sore ofc

I heard you’re good to “continue the same level of exercise” that you were at pre-preg, but does that reset at a certain point? Like is there any danger to taking 3 weeks off then resuming typical workouts?
@hescomingsoon I’m also 35 weeks. I took a long break between 24-27ish weeks after a bad cold and definitely missed some other weeks here and there. I haven’t been at my pre pregnancy intensity for a while now but still the same frequency of lifting 4x a week. My weights are probably only half of what I would use pre pregnancy because I’m tired most of the time just from the movements! I’ve felt some soreness but I think I’ve been at a level where it makes me feel better to work out than not. I’ve been dealing with hip and back pain, so some of my workout has shifted to exercises recommended by the pt I’ve been seeing. I do not need to do anything that makes my body more sore haha. How long and hard you continue to work out is individual for each person and pregnancy, but generally it seems like it’s not a problem if you don’t have other risks.
@hescomingsoon I think the “same level of activity” advice is moreso to prevent injury of trying something new or pushing yourself too hard.

My workouts have been wildly inconsistent because of back pain, SPD, and general fatigue. But if I’m feeling like I’m having a good day, I listen to my body and do as much as I can. I never try to hit 100% of my pre-preg numbers but instead try to get to 7/8 of my RPE.

If your body can handle three workouts in a week after some time off, that’s great. Pregnancy symptoms fluctuate so you have a good week, use it! But listen to your body, take breaks and don’t push through pain.
@hescomingsoon I'm only 7w5d but I'm taking a break right now because of nausea and dizziness. I have been doing some gentle stretching and going for walks, but I even got dizzy on my walk the other day. So for now, my usual workout routine is on pause until my body feels up to it.
@hescomingsoon I found the guidance on this annoying as well with my first!

Most of my first trimester was in a Covid lockdown, so between that and morning sickness I barely did anything. I think I had about 6 weeks off and was terrified of coming back, luckily I did and was doing 3-5 CrossFit sessions a week until the end. Baby was perfect and healthy.
@hescomingsoon I took a major break from about 4 weeks to 13 😅 was cleared to go back to what I’d been doing as long as it felt good. Kept a modified regiment up until 34 weeks when baby dropped and now feels like a bowling ball in my pelvis 🥴
@hescomingsoon I would take a break of 2-3 weeks every summer before I got preggo (traveling, going to festivals, etc) and the same would always happen. I would be insanely sore after the first workout, that’s just part of the game.

Now I’m 31 weeks and I’m starting to notice that I need way more time to recover and restore my energy levels than before pregnancy. For me, that means sleeping 9+ hours every night and swapping some lifting days with yoga so that I can recover. I guess that’s part of the game too.
@hescomingsoon I took a mandatory break from weeks 15-27 bc of placenta previa. When i went back I did the same routine as pre pregnancy with lighter weights. That was fine until I had to just cut down to elliptical and walking around 32 weeks bc of how tired I was!
@hescomingsoon My RE had me avoiding running for the first 9 weeks just because he was super cautious; I do plan to ease back in now that I’m graduated from the fertility clinic and will just take it slow! So I think breaks are fine as long as you don’t totally shock your system by jumping back in at 100%
@hescomingsoon 24w, I took a little over a week and a half off due to travel. I was cautious to just take it easy my first couple lifts back as to not get too sore and it was fine! Maybe scale it down a bit and ease back up slowly ❤️
@hescomingsoon I'm about 13 weeks and taking 4 weeks off due to the Ramadan fasting month. I suppose I could squeeze in a 15-30 min low impact routine but between the lack of sleep, food, water, headaches and the burning heat outside.... yeah maybe not. Hopefully I'll be able to jump back on it after!
@hescomingsoon Now that I’ve hit the third trimester, I only lift 1-2 times in a week every few weeks instead of my normal 3 times. I’ve also taken a couple weeks where I just walk, no lifting. Listen to your body!
@hescomingsoon ~17 weeks here. I skipped working out most of the first trimester and am now back to the 3-4 days per week I was before. This includes bike cardio and weight lifting. I’m slowly stepping up some workouts I wasn’t doing as much of before pre-pregnancy though. Mostly leg stuff and stretching in prep for future labor.