did loss of pregnancy symptoms indicate miscarriage in your experience?


New member
Hey guys,

I'm 8 weeks, have had severe breast soreness and obvious constant digestive discomfort + food aversions since about week 5. Woke up this morning feeling complete lack of all of those symptoms, even avocado toast sounds appealing to me again. I only slept for 4-5 hrs last night and specifically felt all those symptoms even as i was getting into bed to sleep.

obviously im going to dr this week, but just desperate to know if u have experience w similar sudden symptom loss and if it indicated miscarriage for u?

i have no bleeding or discharge at all btw

@m_louise_2911 I remember around that time I stopped having symptoms. I was taking pregnant tests like sweets and booked an early scan because I didn't 'feel' like I was pregnant.

I'm currently sat here with my one year old so all was fine. I hope everything is fine for you too.
@m_louise_2911 It was. To be honest my memory is a bit hazy but i definitely remember a sudden change in symptoms but then they came back.

It's so difficult in those early weeks because you can't feel movement so you're completely in the dark about what's happening
@m_louise_2911 I needed this thread so much. Thanks for posting OP. I am currently going through the same thing and bawling my eyes out. This calmed me a bit though. Can I have an update? Did your symptoms come back?
@m_louise_2911 I think around 10 weeks all my strong pregnancy symptoms pretty much went, I just had low grade nausea after that and then if I didn’t eat every 2-3 hours would feel horrendous - strong headache, vomiting, exhaustion. But honestly thought I had a MMC as had one previously at 7 weeks, however we went for our scan at 12 weeks and baby was doing somersaults and lots of movement on the scan! Almost 15 weeks now and don’t even feel pregnant anymore, apart from slightly sore and bigger boobs 🙈
@m_louise_2911 I know it’s so so hard to push out those feelings as it’s all you can think about but just try to remind yourself that you are still pregnant until you know otherwise and it’s so common for symptoms to change/decrease. A friend of mine also had a similar experience to yours, complete loss of all symptoms then five days later she was vomiting and they all came back again! She said that five days was hell though and constant worry. Is there any way you can go for an early scan? ♥️
@m_louise_2911 I also have days like that. And then next time I go to the toilet and still struggling with that process as usual, so I get calm again. And somewhere close to the end of chill day, I have nausea again and fatigued af.

Having symptoms is hard not having them is also concerning 🥺

I got lucky with bad blood results from my liver(nothing serious at all), so last week I had an abdominal ultrasound and nice doctor showed me my baby and its beating heart. It was 11+4, now I'm 12+4 and tomorrow I have first anatomy scan, can't wait!!
@m_louise_2911 Yeah, only one constant I have is digestive probablems, the rest is comes and goes.

Even sore boobs are still sore, but now it's with specific areas, so I don't feel it always. Most of the times they feel normal and then sudden pain at night when I squished a nipple a little bit by accident.
@m_louise_2911 My symptoms stopped around 8 weeks too and I had my first scan the other day and everything is fine! Some symptoms started to creep back at around 11 weeks, so there’s always a chance that yours will come and go.
@m_louise_2911 I had a miscarriage in 2018 at 8 weeks. My symptoms were still going strong.

I got pregnant again in 2020 and my symptoms would come and go, making me panic. She’s 2 now 🥰

I just had my son (he’s 2 months old) and the symptoms with him were different and also came and went. It’s normal!
@m_louise_2911 I lost my pregnancy symptoms when the placenta took over hormone production (vs corpus luteum). I think it was around 10 weeks? I knew it was the placenta taking over because I track BBT and my temp had dropped a bit! I’m now overdue with a baby girl :)