Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

@i_labyu Thanks, I appreciate that. I wasn't diagnosed till a couple weeks ago. It hit me really hard when I got that diagnosis. I know I didn't do anything wrong to cause it but I just kept beating myself up because my only "risk" factor is my age and I keep asking myself what the hell did I do to cause this. Everyone kept saying to me oh I know you'll be diet controlled, you are so healthy. Makes me so frustrated because that isn't how it WORKS! I just feel like a failure. But thank you for the reassurance. That's nice to hear.
@rustyw your where i was 5 years ago, when i had my oldest. i was GD then, and my only risk factor was really that i was "clinically obese" according to the BMI index. healthy as a horse otherwise.

i also had a horrid doc who made me feel out of place that i ended up on insulin right away, and all this stuff that i just was working all the time, and working fulltime, and everything. i felt like crap. beat my self-esteem up over it.

BUT you are NOT a failure, take care of yourself will help you take care of that baby. that is the true goal here! be healthy for that little one right?
@rustyw You are definitely not alone as far as the last part of your post and I can totally relate but hadn't brought it up! GD is also my third high risk issue I am seeing my perinatologist for! It's given me so many appointments in the past few weeks it just makes everything that much more overwhelming. I have to miss a ton of work + drive to the high risk OB office, which is an hour's drive from my house. Rant away, I feel ya!
@b3789 Aw thanks. Shit sucks. Lol. I've had appointments at the high risk doc weekly since around 20 weeks I believe. I had weeklys with my RE at the beginning too so I haven't had many weeks this whole pregnancy where I wasn't at the doctor. I work a compressed work week because of it since my work is an hour from the hospital. I couldn't flex my schedule every week like that. Would have really been a mess. So anyway I am working M-Thurs 7 AM-5 PM with a one hour commute each way. Totally killing me. Then add in the OB appts and then the stupid ass diabetes appts and the three surprise L&D trips. Ugh, just ugh. I'm sorry you are dealing with this type of crap too :/ I'm in a constant state of anxiety and exhaustion. I just want the next 8.5 weeks or so to go by quickly.
@i_labyu Thanks for posting this! I've been trying to find out what the heck is the correct thing to do to prevent gd, and all I've found is a bunch of conflicting info everywhere. This is great!
@i_labyu My new insulin doses have finally kicked in and gave me great numbers today, yay! I also got the ok to have some chocolate milk at bedtime instead of a food snack, I never feel hungry that late but a drink is totally doable. The only positive thing about being diabetic is getting to skip the GD testing, apparently the glucose drink would shoot my numbers through the roof so I get to skip all of that fun :)
@iamsue hurray!

yes the glucose drink would sky rocket you to the bloody moon on sugars. and thank goodness no more of that drink! it was horrid!

..... i wonder if i can convince docs about doing that...