Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!


New member
Hey ladies!! are you worried you have GD? worried about your test and failing it and what its going to do to you?

Have diabetes and not doing so hot keeping up on everything? lets be there for each other!

Here is some info on diets that was given to me by my clinic. its been a great resource and wonderful for reminding me what to get on grocery trips as well. i have it in pictures on my phone so i don't forget.

Now to start off check ins...

I am not doing so hot today. i forgot my slow acting insulin last night and woke up with a 10.5 this morning. (that is 190 to you americans!) and a 10.5 after breakfast. i forgot my metformin as well. lets hope the rest of the day goes better then lunch (another 30 minutes till i can test, and snack time!)

*WHOOOOT! lunchtime was down to a 7.9! (140-ish) suppertime.. WTF.. 3.8 ???? i don't get it.

(conversion table )

i am also a type 2 diabetic. currently my requirements for insulin (as exercise and dieting did NOT work for me to control these) is as such,

morning Humalog 67 Humulin N 44.

Lunch Humalog 75

Supper Humalog 85

Night Humalog 5 Humulin N 80

i hope you ladies do NOT get up to these numbers that i am at.

So.. how are you doing today?
@i_labyu THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting this!!! I'm glad to hear your lunch time number went down! I am doing ok, except I've had a few fasting numbers this week slightly above normal. :/ It's my first week testing. Hoping I do better tomorrow. I've also been really struggling with my anxiety which leaves me with no appetite so I haven't been eating all my meals and snacks. But I saw a new therapist today so I am hoping that will help.
@mauricio512 your welcome, i seen so many posts, and after last time i posted about this, people seem to be posting more! so goign to try to remember to do one every day if i can. keeps them in check for me too.

i hope the new therapist helps out for you! eating really is super important. even if you do it just for the baby's sake!
@i_labyu I'm taking my 3 hour tomorrow.... after a 12 hour fast! TWELVE HOURS. I may just die of starvation on the way. I heard that your fasting numbers are naturally elevated first thing in the morning to I am hoping to wake up and lounge around the house on a day off for a few hours before going in... But I dont know why I feel the need to do even that. I know there's nothing I can do about having GD or not. Either way, I've been pretty restrictive of carbs lately and hope I don't end up with ketones in my urine because of it. Sheesh. I just need to let it ride, but it soo hard!
@danielfn well.. you can do it! YOU CAN DO IT! i always booked mine in the morning anyways. as going from midnight to noon just about felt like torture for not eating. but 8 pm till 8 am was WAY easier. and a snack in my bag to eat after the damn test. as ya know, it's over at 11 am versis over at 3 pm and not eating most of the day away.

its good to have set snack times and such anyways if you find your a snacky type person. I AM! i could snack all day long if i could.

and the "free foods" really help with feeling fuller longer as well if you add them into meals. and green leaves good for you!
@i_labyu I am doing better today :) I think I had a small meltdown after my diagnoses - I tend to fight against directives and changes in rules - but I'm over it. I have recorded all my readings today and am doing well with my numbers.

One thing that helped is that my OB told me this week they are looking for averages and trends, not any specific number on a given day. This makes it seem less stringent to me, something I need to be successful.

Also, I am tired of hummus.
@b3789 ha! yeah, hummus i love it, but sometimes, it's just.. eh.. enough already!

and once they have a baseline for your numbers, likely they can decide where to go with you! hopefully exercise and such works for you!
@i_labyu Me too, type II diabetes runs on my mom's side of the family and I definitely don't want it later in life. Nor do I want to be on insulin for the remainder of my pregnancy. So yeah, I'm back on the wagon!
@b3789 ugh.. you know, i dind't find out that my bio-dad had type 2 till i got pregnant the second time. i have to scour around, then i found out my uncle had it as well. then this year, my mom was diagnosed pre-diabetic.

i just can't win. i have other issues as well that lead to the diabetes here.

pancreatitis twice and ended up with a necrotic pancreas. its healed but hates to work properly.
@i_labyu Very scary! This has been an eye opener for me for sure. My grandma has like 5 brothers and sisters and every single one has type II diabetes. My great grandfather had it, too. It's gunning for me, I know it :
@rustyw LOL I am glad it's not just me. I like hummus but boy does it get old quickly. Ugh. I even have three kinds to choose from and all have the same damn aftertaste.
@b3789 YES! I bring a toothbrush to work if I bring it as a snack because I smell like garlic all day, lol. Also the hummus would taste a hell of a lot better with delicious CARBS for dipping not veggies. Heh heh.
@i_labyu I am panicky currently, actually. We have consistently doubled my gkyburide for the last few weeks because my fasting numbers have been too high. I am now officially on 10mg every night and have been informed it's the highest dosage they will prescribe. If this doesn't work, I am getting insulin.

I am torn between reminding myself that my fasting numbers are beyond my control and being mad at my body.
@barret77 remind yourself the placenta is a asshole and controlling the hormones making your sugars out of whack!.

At least that is how the Awesome Doc explained it to me.

Insulin is NOT that bad. honestly. if you can do it in your legs nad belly, your good. my legs are out. (too muscular! nurses even said so!) or get someone to do it in your arms for you. and if you can get the tiny 4mm needles, you hardly feel them. the finger pokes are WAY worse!
@i_labyu I've been upset the last few days because my numbers keep going up for seemingly no good reason. And then WAY down with what seems like no rhyme or reason. I'm eating way less carbs than the dietitian said (got the okay from my MFM) because of my gluten allergy. When I hit the "recommended" carbs and sometimes less, my blood sugar goes over! I've only been testing since last Friday but I am getting the sense if they keep going over that I'll be put on some sort of insulin. This makes me super upset because my OB said if I have to go on insulin the will induce me on my due date. I really really wanted to avoid an induction and had even been reading up and thinking about going natural. Don't think I could handle that with Pitocin. Also cascading interventions scare the crap out of me. GD is the 3rd high risk problem I am seeing the MFM for. I am overwhelmed by everything. I have had TONS of appointments and some days just want to cry. The GD is pushing me over the edge. I'm anxious to eat now because of it.

Sorry for ranting. Thank you so much for posting this. I'm having a hell of a time :/
@rustyw aw sweetie remember this mantra. "the placenta is a asshole and controls the hormones regulating your sugars.... we think"

even with how controlled mine are, i had 3 weeks of AWESOME numbers, then 3rd trimester hit. and numbers go whacky dacky, all over the place. don't beat yourself up too hard over it okay?