Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

@livinfree52 So mine did have snacks! Not a ton and someone was allergic to peanut butter so the crackers were taken away.

Not a whole lot learned new today but we got a goodie bag (contents to be examined after lunch) and there were snacks and drinks. Tomorrow will be bagels though no toaster so who knows if I'll want to eat those lol.
@livinfree52 Ok! Run down on the classes!

Since you're doing yours as a one day class for about 6.5 hours (hours was 8), you may not have the same "hmm I don't know how informative this was" sort of reaction that we did after the first day (4 hours).

We've done a lot of reading and preparing and so a lot of the first part was very familiar (breathing techniques, stations of the baby during labor, labor phases). Day 2 was much more useful and the other 5 couples and my husband and I had opened up more to asking questions. So I think that'll be key with the 1 day class, just get over the asking questions thing and go for it, because it was much more helpful then.

Also, some of the videos were pretty cheesy, but had a good focus on everything; drug free childbirth, some interventions, lots of interventions, inductions, c-sections.

We saw some swaddling information and I really liked getting more info about the hospital (that I may be attending) and the practices. We were the only birth center couple and everyone else was planning for the hospital (that for me is literally feet away from the birth center). It was nice to see that what I'm going for is reflected in the hospital's practices; rooming in, breastfeeding highly encouraged, limited interventions unless necessary, etc.
@boynee Thank you for the information! I hope I get as much out of mine as you did yours. The woman on the phone told me we'd need a pillow and blankets so I assumed we'd do some breathing exercises...that or they were going to let us take a nap...because well 3rd trimester. Haha
@jacknife I just housed an egg and cheese - as of last night, I am officially living in puketown.

Later today I think i'll make little egg muffins, so that I can freeze and easily reheat a high-protein snack. Also considering the unisom + b6 combo.
@jacknife I dreamt of an amazing luxury suite hubs booked for us--extra deep whirlpool tub, huuuuge shower, fully stocked kitchen(healthy AND unhealthy snacks, yum), and closets with tons of body pillows. Just as I was about to take a bath, my mom showed up with my extended family. My nieces ate the pixie sticks and my cousins ate the Oreos. I was so mad I was near tears in my dream and wishing hubs would show up to help me kick them all out.

I'm thinking today is a pixie sticks and Oreos day... But in reality, I'll probably have a salad. My health-nut kiddo likes to "punish" junk food by making me feel awful afterward.
@jacknife went clothes shopping today without my SO, and accidentally ended up stopping for french toast with banana, chocolate and whipped cream... oops.
@jacknife We caved and ordered pizza last night (we only do this once or twice a year-a rare treat!)

And thawing in my fridge is one if 28 freezer meals I made last week. So much work but it will be worth it this winter!
@jacknife Work has been so busy that we've been eating take-out almost every day for the last two weeks. Hoping to get to the grocery store and get some actual food this weekend--I'm actually craving home-cooked food. Ha.

In other news, hubs gave me my first pregnancy cold. I say first because I work at a college (college kids are gross) and will be preggo throughout the fall/winter. Might as well get used to the idea of being sniffly. :p

In other other news, still no word on hubs's carrier screen. I contacted my awesome OB, who was super sympathetic and went ahead and ordered an amnio so we could get the ball rolling. Scheduled for this Thursday, but hoping to get a happy result back before then so I can cancel it. Fingers crossed!
@jacknife omg, trader joe's cowboy bark is the most amazing thing ever! Gotta keep it in the freezer so I don't eat the whole bag in one sitting.

Also I'm being a bad vegetarian and bought some meat the other day for chicken tortilla soup and turkey chili. I feel kinda blah sometimes like I'm not getting everything I need so this is me listening to my body and I'm trying not to feel bad about it. On a positive note I'm loving that it's crock pot season again (well, in my mind anyway, still in the upper 80's here everyday).
@katrina2017 As of late, I'm not too damn strict about my vegetarianism either and I think that's perfectly fine. For me, it's also chicken so I guess baby's in need of some protein and my doctor told me to have an eye on my carb intake in these few weeks anyway...
@kingv Yeah I'm trying not to be hard on myself since I'm responsible for this baby. I know you don't need meat in pregnancy but it's hard to meet the ultra high protein demands in the third tri without it. I can only drink so much milk, almonds, cheese, etc. I'm getting sick of eggs and haven't been keen on beans lately.

I feel like what I really need is red meat and I might break down and buy a couple steaks or something. It just makes me sad :(
@jacknife Tonight going to my mother in laws for some brisket. So excited, really into meat during this pregnancy.

Besides that, eating whatever food remnants are in the fridge. Misc sautéed veggies last night, pizza and zucchini bread from the freezer today. This thread is making me hungry. By next week I will have moved close to a trader joes, very excited about that as well.
@jacknife Shopping? I did my first zulily order the other day. Ordered some maternity sweaters and tops that were good deals and got some BABY GIRL CLOTHES! I picked out a purple and yellow one-piece 4 pack and an adorable lavender and yellow zebra print thing with bows. I'm not really super into pink but I love purple and lavender.

Eating? PSL or pumpkin spice lattes! Excited to eat apples as it is now apple season and my apple snob belly will finally be appeased. I'm also excited to pick up bagels for my friend's baby shower tomorrow--this mama loves bagels too.

I bought a lavender card in the store to "Grandma" that I will sign from my daughter (weird to say!) to give to my mother on her birthday in October. It made me tear up when I read it and I know she'll bawl when she gets it.

Right now "Princess" by Elton John came on my pandora station and it's also making me tear up. I think I need to play it for DH and decide if it will be our song for our little girl.

So many feels!!