Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition


New member
What are you shopping for? What are you eating? Tell us what's in your fridge!

We're also anxiously awaiting updates from /@bisi007 as she went in last night to be induced. :) You've got all our love, lady!
@jacknife Not currently shopping (trying to eat through the food we've got).

Made lasagna tonight for dinner (even though I made a small pan for me and my friend who's 34 weeks, we barely dented it. I forgot that both of us are eating like birds lately :p me because I still get randomly queasy and her because baby is taking up a lot of space :p)

Tomorrow she's making us pulled BBQ chicken on Hawaiian rolls with potato salad and chips. And we're going to tag-team making caramel apple cinnamon rolls. I CAN'T WAIT :D
@bodyandblood Right?! When she said she was making bbq and an apple dessert, I was like I'm in! XD

Though it looks like that plan might be out now. I just got a text that our husband's are heading back early from their camping trip (looks like her husband hurt his foot somehow?). :/ so we'll see. (Her husband has been on no carbs lately so she was going to pig out while he was gone so she wasn't tempting him but would be satisfying her cravings too)