Daddy sleeping in

@nessofonett05 Then he can go to bed at 9 or 8:30. As long as kids are down and clean up is done. I’m also a high needs sleeper and I go to bed early so I can evenly split the mornings with my husband. I have way less me time than he does but I get the sleep I need.
@lelstone9653 How does your husband feel/do with not having time to do things he likes in the evenings by going to bed early?

My husband stays up late after the kids are in bed so he can have time to hang out, play games, etc. without the kids. Like 11:30-midnight or later if he's feeling depressed or anxious
@loulou1 I think right now he’s just resigned to this not being a season of life where he has much time in the evenings for his own activities. He wakes up early (like 4 am, sometimes earlier) to get some professional development and hobby stuff done before work starts, and that’s his preferred solo/child-free time of the day. It helps that he’s naturally an early bird so he is pretty eager for sleep shortly after the kids go down anyway.
@nessofonett05 Each parent gets a morning to sleep in at our house. Sleep apnea would not change that; if someone needs more sleep they need to go to bed earlier. Temporary illness gives one a pass for their “early” morning.
@nessofonett05 My husband likes to get up early to work out in his home gym, which means I do every morning with my toddler. But he does every bed time. This works for us. I can’t really sleep in anymore, even when given the option. Thanks mom brain.

Clearly your current routine bothers you, so work with your husband to come up with a new one. Doesn’t necessarily need to be alternating mornings. Maybe he gives you back time in another part of your day.

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