Daddy sleeping in

@alex_alex Pro tip: he can have anything, as long as you can have it too. He can have 30 min breakfast with out the toddler, if you can have it. He can have a 30 min shit when you can to. Let him balance, but you can not take more than you give
@nessofonett05 I mean… I don’t like having a kid on my lap while eating either. So I say no not right now but I will hold you when I am done eating, and I deal with any tantrum myself and hold the line, and then I open up the lap once I finish. Being unbothered is unrealistic, but not having a kid on one’s lap while actively eating is reasonable in my opinion.
@corkscrew96 Yeah I cannot eat with a kid in my lap and that’s a hard boundary for me- it isn’t unreasonable. But that’s my responsibility to manage no matter what time of day it is or how much sleep I got. Kids are gonna be kids and you either have to deal with your kids’ behavior or you have to deal with setting boundaries around the behavior. You can’t just opt out of being a parent in the morning.
@corkscrew96 Requiring mum to be on todler duty for even longer after he already got a sleep in, isn't the solution though. He's getting double break, she's getting none. He needs to suck it up and manage the kid, whether it's on his lap or managing to keep the kids off and happy by himself.
@nessofonett05 Yah that’s life with a toddler, as parents we all have to figure out how to handle doing everyday things with a small person hanging onto us. If he is already getting the luxury of extra sleep (and yes it’s a luxury with kids, regardless of his sleep needs), then he definitely needs to suck it up regarding breakfast time and give you a break immediately upon waking.
@nessofonett05 it’s not fun but it’s not preventing him from eating to have the kid sit there. or he can figure out a new solution to make himself happy while still pulling his weight with the kid(s)