Can't get pregnant after 3 years of attempts

@thecookdebra I’m so sorry you are going through this. It just sucks. I was also told to go the IVF route but decided to do everything possible before putting my body and wallet through it and by the grace of god it worked. I really recommend readying taking charge of your fertility and the period repair manual. I learned allllll about my cycle and starting tracking and taking temps. I noticed my temps not going very high and it turns out I had borderline low progesterone that wasn’t really caught because it was “within normal ranges but at the lowest end” fixed that and I was able to conceive. I also had borderline low thyroid function so started synthroid. TSH really needs to be below 2.2 but a lot of providers won’t put you on meds without asking unless over 3. Have you had an HSG? I have several friends that had issues conceiving and ended up having polyps or fibroids found on an HSG. Once they were removed they immediately conceived.
@nona777 I think we did do an HSG and found no polyps... I think... But I'm not 100% sure. I'd have to ask our doctor if that was one of the tests. However, she was prescribed the following prescriptions to help with hormone imbalance.

Estradiol (E2), Follicle Stim Hormone (FSH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), and Progesterone
@thecookdebra Did she recently start those meds? It might take a couple months to regulate. And prime the endometrium for implantation. Those books I sent you are really amazing at explaining how everything works.
@thecookdebra Sorry that you’re going through this, it’s a real tough situation. My partner and I have also been trying for 3 years, never once had a positive test. I don’t have PCOS and all investigations for us both have come back fine. I have a child from a previous relationship. We are both very healthy, eat well, exercise, aren’t overweight etc etc… none the less after 3 years is simply not happening. It feels incredibly unfair and very frustrating to have no answers but for us we have just had to accept that it’s very unlikely to change and are soon starting IVF.

I feel that at this point answers as to why may or may not be available at some stage, but either way they’re not going to change the outcome that we will need IVF to conceive.
@cammmmmmmm I'm sorry that has happened to you and your spouse. It may come down to the fact we need to utilize IVF as well. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your story, too.