Can someone give me information on parental ABO blood types and the different possible outcomes?

@emilyosu This is fascinating. My parents are A+ & B+ and I was born B- (mom’s dad is O- so I inherited his rh). We don’t know my husband’s blood type but our son was recently typed as O+ which must make my husband O+ as well unless I’m misunderstanding how the genotypes are passed on.
@elizabeth45036 That’s how it typically works! The breakdown for ABO is USUALLY A(o) B(o) O(o) or AB. Two positives can apparently make a negative but two negatives can’t make a positive.
@emilyosu Blood types facinate me! I have three children, my oldest has a different father. We didn't know his blood type but I'm O+ and my oldest is B+ so I assumed that was his blood type but it's interesting to know it can be different! My younger two are both O+ and their father is A+.
@emilyosu This is making me super curious. Can offspring with chimerism, with each genome encoding a different blood type even be viable? If you or your partner are chimera is it even possible to have two blood genotypes? I’m totally guessing here… but chimerism is a big time biological flub, I’d think some serious planetary alignment is required for the embryo to be viable.

(I don’t know how to make this question not sound clunky)

I’m sure you’ll have an answer once baby and partner get retested.
@socrateswife It is possible, and from my understanding if one of us absorbed a twin, it would be more likely that a twin chimera gene could be passed to a child. This reminds me of an article I read years ago where a woman was showing she was not the biological mother of the children she definitely conceived the old fashioned way and it wasn’t until she needed some blood work that they discovered she was a chimera. I PERSONALLY think they’re more common than people realize because it typically causes no issues and there’s no way of knowing.

As long as the sperm and egg are genetically sound, there’s no reason it would cause an issue with the embryo since it would just be, for example, the absorbed twin’s blood type.

It’s highly likely husband is B+, tbh, but this is still a really interesting topic to me! I’ll be asking kiddo’s ped on Thursday when we go for his 4 month vaccines.

Edit: forgot a word

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