Can anyone share a happy story of formula feeding from Day 1?


New member
My baby is due next week and originally I was going to give BF a try but between physical and mental health issues I might want to just start with formula.

I know fed is best! I would tell a friend this, but I’m feeling guilt.
@tabbycat11 I never once breastfed. Didn’t even try it. I knew, the moment I was pregnant, that breastfeeding wasn’t for me. I knew what being the sole source of nutrition for my baby would do to me, I knew the anxiety it would cause. I knew how overwhelmed I would feel being the only one feeding my baby. So I made a choice early on, it wasn’t for me. I researched how to stop the milk once my son was born, I stood my ground from family members and their judgements. I even had a doctor make a comment that I should really try breastfeeding because it will help me lose the baby weight. I stood firm.

My son came into the world and he is 11 months now. Not once have I regretted my decision. It was so nice being able to take a break while my husband cared for our son. It was so nice to have my mom come over and be able to feed the baby so I could chill or have a nap. My son grew healthy and, at almost a year, is doing amazing. I’m glad I knew enough to give myself the grace to do what I needed to for my mental health which, in turn, allowed me to be the best and most present mom for my son.
@jac48 Omg I can’t believe a doctor said that to you. Breastfeeding does not magically override the basic principle of less calories in/more calories out for weight loss. People act like it does.
@katrina2017 Yeah I found it super manipulative as this doctor knew I struggled with my weight and self esteem honestly. Joke’s on him, I’ve lost over 70 lbs since a few weeks postpartum. And not breastfeeding and keeping my mental health in a place where I could be present for my son and myself helped with that (and of course, basic science of less calories in and more out haha). I’m in better shape than I was before I even got pregnant.
@jac48 This!! I knew breastfeeding wasn’t for me. I have struggled with mental health in recent years, so I especially knew it would take a toll on me.

I’ve never found any actual proof that breastfeeding helps to lose baby weight. I will say this.. I lost 40 of 49 pounds within the first 5 days of postpartum, then another 5 the following week. I know everybody is different and you shouldn’t compare. But obviously it CAN be quick and easy for those who aren’t breastfeeding.

OP - do not feel guilty for choosing to formula feed. Like you said, fed is best!!!
@ruslanishe I was so careful and most of my pregnancy weight was baby and fluid that were gone when I left the hospital, but I gained an embarrassing amount of weight trying to breastfeed and lost it effortlessly when I stopped. I wasn’t ravenous anymore!
@tabbycat11 Don't feel guilt! I tried breastfeeding, but my little one was starving in the hospital, so we gave him formula right then and there. And, lo and behold, the crying stopped. He was hungry and not getting enough from me.

I decided I would pump while waiting for my milk to come in and we would continue formula in the meantime.

And guess what? My milk never came in. So, I stopped pumping and my baby has been formula only. He's been thriving!

If you want to breastfeed give it a shot! But you absolutely don't have to. Not a single doctor has been worried that my baby is formula fed. It's just what works best for us.
@aimingforheaven This!!! The same thing happened to me and I felt guilty at first. However, the most judgement I got was from other people, not the doctors or midwives!

As my midwife told me, if the baby is healthy and gaining weight youre good 👍🏾 no ones going to care who was breast fed or formula fed when the LO is in high school, college, etc.
@mikejh1199 Most hospitals will have RTF formula and disposable nipples available. I’d suggest asking what your hospital has. The nurses suggested I not use the bottles I brought so I didn’t have to worry about extra dishes when we got home (which was absolutely wonderful advice).
@aimingforheaven I feel like this is my story. Exact same thing happened to me! And I agree, if you can breastfeed, do it if you want to. If it doesn't work out or you don't want to, that is okay too!
@tabbycat11 I'm 2 kids in and both have been formula from go, I didn't attempt breastfeeding because that was never anything I was interested in

My now 7 year old is an absolute gem and has been healthy and happy her whole life

My 7 month old is a little chunk whose just so happy
Ooohhh also let me mention, formula made it easy to share the responsibility eith my husband and made for a much better equitable split of work, my mom would take them for overnights and trips and I never felt reduced to just a food source or ever worried about if they were eating too much or too little because I could actually see what they consumed
@tabbycat11 I've always said I wanted to formula feed my baby even when I was pregnant. I wanted my body to be mine again and know that breastfeeding can come with many challenges. My husband wanted me to at least try, so I did.

At the hospital I tried breastfeeding but she wouldn't latch properly. She bruised my nipples badly and it hurt. She got some colostrum that I pumped the first two days of her life. The hospital staff told me to pump milk every 2-3 hours to keep my supply up. My nipples were so sore and I wasn't producing enough to feed her. We started her on formula in the hospital.

When I got home and my milk came in, I did pump for a couple sessions. But it hurt. I was in pain from my c section. I didn't want to just be a milk machine for my daughter. I felt guilty and I cried about it, but ultimately decided for my mental health that we would exclusively formula feed our daughter.

Best decision that I made. Husband helps with feeds and I have my body back to be my own. No more latching pain, engorgement, or sitting on the couch spending the whole day pumping. Fed is really best! Formula is available for a reason and breastfeeding is frickin hard. You do what is best for your mental health and your LO will be absolutely fine :).
@josh_ats I’m really hoping to get to this point. I feel so guilty for wanting to EFF but breastfeeding hurt so bad and she would just cry and cry and pumping is so time consuming I feel like I’m losing time with my baby. And I just want my body back 😭. The guilt is really really hard though.