Can’t get pregnant for 21 days after birth? T or F?


New member
Hey! So hubby and I couldn’t wait and had a little fun this morning. Our newborn is 10 days old. I was researching online because I had planned on taking some emergency contraceptive - as we have 2 under 2 and are not trying for Irish twins, we’d like to wait a bit haha! But anyways, I kept seeing online that you can’t get pregnant for 21 days after birth and there’s no need to use emergency contraceptive. Just wanted to see if this is true or if I should send him to the pharmacy real quick! Thank you!
@klcwd This is very similar to saying you can’t get pregnant on your period. In a perfect textbook scenario, it wouldn’t work like that. But bodies aren’t textbook and irregularities happen. The fact that Irish twins is a saying should tell you it’s common enough for people to get pregnant shortly after giving birth. Is it within the 21 day window? You would have to ask them when they had sex. But I would say it’s definitely not impossible